When the water runs clear, add the substrate to the aquarium to a depth of two to three inches. . Electric blues will likely claim a piece of this real estate for themselves and guard it against other tank mates, though usually in a passive manner. Electric Blue Acaras are active fish that spend much of their time digging in the substrate, exploring their surroundings, and rummaging through plants and underneath decorations. Sometimes you might see them hiding out and being shy, and other times theyll be darting around exploring and digging through the substrate. Based on this size range, the minimum tank size would be a 55 gallon tank, but the bigger the better for these guys. They are calm and go about their business at the bottom of the aquarium. . With that being said, there are still some care guidelines that youll need to abide by if you want them to live a long and happy life. It is best to keep them in groups of six or more and, as an albino, come in a variety of hues. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. Poor water quality can result in the fish's immune system becoming weakened, leaving it vulnerable to diseases. Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. 5. How many Blue Acara should be kept together? With proper care and attention, your electric blue acara can live a long and healthy life. The bristlenose pleco is a smaller variant of the common pleco. But they act territorial if there is not enough room for the number of (especially) male fish in the aquarium. The following are some examples: Tankmates give color to the aquarium and can help you create a vibrant community tank. When selecting fish for a home aquarium, factors like tank size, water conditions and the temperament of your fish come into play. Going to add Dwarf Flag Cichlids (Smiling Acara) this week as they only get to about 3 inches. I have 4 electric blue acaras & rainbow cichlid in my 75 gallon without any issue. Shock can make it harder for a fish to breathe; increasing the amount of oxygen in the water will greatly assist them. Quarantine all affected fish and treat using antibiotics, such as Octozin or Metronidazole. Floating plants are also a good choice, as they help to diffuse the lighting and provide shelter for fry. Other signs and symptoms include a loss of appetite and respiratory difficulties. This is a hybrid mainly derived from the naturally occurring blue acara, Andinoacara pulcher; it is believed that they were mixed with blue ram cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) at some point as well. I have 4 males in my 20 gallon. Cichlid gets along with most fishes, but you have to make sure the size of the tank is not too small for them all to live in harmony. The Electric Blue Acara is typically smaller and more brightly colored than the normal Blue Acara. The females get slightly larger than the males and have short fins. In terms of their build, Electric Blue Acara have the standard cichlid body. Because hobbyists dont usually keep light-demanding plant species with electric blue acaras, there is no recommended light setup; these fish will thrive under a fluorescent or LED light fixture. If aquarium wood, coral sand, or something else caused the pH change, remove it to avoid the problem from recurring. Scouts honor . 1 Bristle Nose Pleco. To keep your electric blue as happy and healthy as possible, imitate the conditions found in the blue acaras natural habitat in South America. These fish are egg layers, depositing their eggs on flat surfaces that are open to the water, such as flat rocks on the substrate. A solid blue fish with no orange color is especially prized. Therefore, they have a short lifespan with a life full of colors and patterns. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. Theyre also quite easy to care for. It usually takes just a few days after fertilization for them to hatch! His site was created to share his knowledge and unique teaching style on a larger scale. One other fact about Balloon Molly fish is they are truly man-made and a result of selective breeding to have scoliosis. They can both display a yellow or orange margin on the top of the dorsal fin. (Cause & Prevention). Each additional specimen will need 15 gallons. These fish can be many colors on the spectrum, which can even change depending on their mood. These fish are a flash of brilliant light in the aquarium with their bright blue bodies! The best strategy is to feed your fish two or three times each day, offering small amounts that the fish will devour in just a couple of minutes. To get a breeding pair, its recommended to purchase a small group of juveniles and allow them to pair off on their own. One of the best things about electric blue acara is that they eat anything you offer them! He has kept freshwater tanks, ponds, and reef tanks for over 25 years. 1 Severum. At the same time as the water change, the substrate should be vacuumed to remove uneaten food and other wastes that might have accumulated. Electric blue acaras have relatively large fins with respect to their body size. They are tropical fish and need a tropical water temperature between 74 F to 82 F. A weekly or biweekly 15 to 25% water change should be performed to keep nitrates low and to keep water quality up. Their caudal fin is symmetrical and about as tall from top to bottom as their body. They are calm and friendly tank companions who do not bother electric blue acaras. These fish are compatible with other fish as tank mates, and it is smart to place them with others of the same breed or for their tank mates to be fish of a similar size and with friendly personalities. Being able to care for a stunning fish like the electric blue acara is a great way to gain confidence as a hobby aquarist, so make sure you have a tank that is not too small, a stable water temperature, an appropriate tank mate, and nutritious fish food.You can soon witness it swimming happily in the tank. They mainly stay towards the bottom of the tank but will venture into the upper middle portions at times. Mark has been featured in two books about aquarium keeping both best sellers on Amazon. . Some fish will become anxious and begin to hide. Switch on the heater and the filter system, and leave the tank to cycle for at least ten days before introducing any livestock. The food you give your fish will make a significant impact on their health (obviously). Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. These fish prefer sandy substrate and warmer water between 75F and 80F. Once these fish have reached the 4-5 inch mark in their growth theyre able to breed. Electric Blue Acara Behavior and Temperament. and our Temperature around 75-76F is also optimal. Fishs body swells up, loss of appetite, stringy, discolored feces, rapid breathing, lesions and ulcers appear on the body. Mature males have a longer and more pointed dorsal fin while females typically have smaller fins overall. Apr 12, 2022. The common recommendation is a 20-gallon tank with the water temperature set to about 75 or 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Dont be mistaken by the popularity of dwarf South American cichlids. While you might have a perfect aquarium setup in mind for your new electric blue acara, your fish might have other plans. Remember, blue acaras can be found in a variety of environmental conditions, which means that these freshwater fish can also adapt to most aquarium conditions. So for the 75 gallon with a pleco you would want a filter or combo of filters that turn over about 1800 gallons per hour. The fish will clean a spot on the bottom of the tank on top of the rocks where theyll tend to their eggs. Tank Setup: Amazone biotope tank with plenty of leaf litter and wood. Almost all cichlids love to burrow in the sand. Acaras can get 6-7 inches each and 5 is too many without the plecos. These fish are also widely available through online dealers, and youll expect to pay between $6 and $15 for a specimen, depending on its age and size. Still, these fish are susceptible to freshwater ich and skin flukes. This can certainly become messy at times and leave the controlling aquascaper frustrated. Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoyed our Electric Blue Acara care guide and found it helpful. Then raise the temperature of the tank slightly to trigger the breeding. Furthermore, a bad diet might lead to stress. Because theyre hybrids, they exist only in the aquarium hobby and have been exposed to the most common health problems. Reply. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. Freshwater diseases affect electric blue acaras due to inadequate food and bad water conditions. Electric Blue Acaras are omnivorous, although most of their wild diet is made up of meaty protein. Have you seen a Hillstream Loach and wondered why they look the way they look and if you could own them? When shopping for your electric blue acara, make sure to confirm whether it is a hybrid or the parent species. Temperament: Semi-Aggressive. Temperature and water quality are far more important to angels than the electric blue acara. This temperament combined with their ease of care makes them a very easy fish to keep! There may be a few things to think about when trying to breed the Electric Blue Acara, but it does not change that the andinoacara pulcher is perhaps the easiest cichlid to breed. Best Substrate For Planted Tank The Key To Awesome Aquascape, Best Low And Medium Light Aquarium Plants, Dwarf Hairgrass: Planting, Carpeting, And Care. One thing that is important for a cichlid like the electric blue acara is the water quality, and with that in mind, have a proper filter installed and clean the tank accordingly. Start by gathering everything you need to set up your tank: 1. Each year, he continues to help his readers and clients with knowledge, professional builds, and troubleshooting. Size: 6-10 Inches Tall. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. So the total stocking would be 2 EBA's, 2 Regular Blue Acara and one L200. Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. Aqadvisor calculates that in a 75g with two Aquaclear 110 filters, the tank is stocked by 85% with the rest of the stock with five boesemani rainbowfish and 85% with two angelfish. You dont want to pair them with fish that are known to be exceptionally aggressive or significantly larger than your Electric Blue Acara. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. Silver dollars have an iridescent shine across their silver bodies like the electric blue acara. The female will spawn the eggs and the male will fertilize them (usually shortly after). Use antibiotics such as metronidazole, octozin, and others as the best treatment. Due to its maximum size and its long, flowing fins, it is best to maintain a minimum 30-gallon tank for your acara, accompanied by a soft, sandy substrate. These conditions range from murky, standstill waters to clear and running rivers. (Lets Find Out! . That provides the fish with enough room to swim. Other genetic components play a part as well, but they are impractical to test for. Andinoacara pulcher is a genuine show-stopper with its surreal glow, making the aquarium tank it sits in stand out. With each additional Acara you introduce to the tank, make sure you add 15 gallons of water space in their tank. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? As always, its recommended to quarantine new fish for at least three weeks before adding them to a new system. These fish are primarily light and shiny blue with some subtle details that add to their glimmer. Electric Blue Acaras are quite large fish that generally inhabit bodies of water where the flow is relatively strong. . Blue Oscar Fish: They are the result of crossbreeding and will look similar to an Electric Blue Ram or Blue Acara. Electric blue acaras dont consume plants very often. Find our more about TAG. But its the green horizontal lines on the fishs face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. 3 Red Severum 0.75-1"- Home Bred -Live Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish. Electric Blue Acara breeding is something that pretty much anyone can do. This saves some confusion about sexing them and gives the hobbyist several pairs to choose from. #6. $36.00. Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. FLOWERHORN CICHLID 1" Bonsai Flowerhorn F Mixed . The natural habitat of the electric blue acara has a diverse range of plant species. Primarily, this means youll want to have plenty of hiding places where they can feel safe. The electric blue acara is not usually aggressive or territorial. Angelfish have a distinct appearance when compared to other fishes. Electric blue acaras are hardier than most fish. pH levels: These fish can tolerate a pH range of 6 to 7.5, but a pH of 7 to 7.5 is ideal. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. This means soft, acidic water with water hardness between 2 and 10 KH and pH between 6.0 to 7.0. A variety of events might create stress in fish. For most fish, a pace of 0.5 pH changes per 4872 hours should be enough; however, the slower the shift, the safer it is. Plants and vegetation are frequently floating on the surface of the bodies of water that electric blue acara inhabit. To get the best breeding pair possible, many hobbyists purchase a small group of about 5 fish. They spend time with one another and create lifelong bonds with their partners. What stands out about the basic facts about this fish is how long it lives, and despite not being all that big it can live for up to 10 years! Theyre bright shoaling fish that should be kept in at least eight schools. 2.75 pH: 7.0-8.3 . These vibrant fish are sure to add some excitement to your aquarium. While setting the tank for your Electric Blue Acara, keep in mind the following aspects: Tank Size. It is not recommended to only keep one single electric blue acara as this could cause stress in the form of aggression or reclusion. My Electric blue has a fin that is completely torn up. Thats one of the reasons why a breeding tank is recommended. The common recommendation is a 20-gallon tank with the water temperature set to about 75 or 76 degrees Fahrenheit. . This is especially recommended if spawning these fish in the main display. After all, fish spend their days swimming around in a lovely tank while their owner feeds and cares for them. The parent electric blues will be ready to mate again in a matter of weeks. Its crucial to remember that other fish in your tank might consume them, so pick suitable plants for everyone. In the Blue Acaras natural habitat, the substrate is often covered with leaf litter. Water parameters are very flexible (Yes, Malawi's do fine in 3 dGH on up and 7.0 pH on up) and you can put 37 in a 75-gallon aquarium. There should be fewer plants in the breeding tank, and you may want to opt for plants with larger leaves and a substrate with larger grains. If the pH is slightly out of range yet the fish seems fine, you should consider that pH only. The Electric Blue Acara reaches 6-7 inches in length in adulthood. The electric blue acara is a man-made variation of the regular blue acara and it is a cichlid that belongs to theCichlidae family. It would benefit if you used a soft sand substrate to cover the bottom of the aquarium where the blue andinoacara pulcher lives since this allows your electric blue acara fish to dig without risking injury. The bristlenose pleco is one of the greatest tank mates for electric blue acara. These are quite large fish, and they do need plenty of swimming space, so the minimum tank size youll need is 30 gallons. Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? They are more likely to have deformities than the normal Blue Acara and are of a more peaceful temperament. 80gal planted Angelfish community. Good live plants for electric blue acaras include: These fish dont need a lot of plant coverage, but a backdrop of green will especially make their colors pop out. This fascinating color palette also belongs to some incredible species, as you'll see here on our list of the top 12 blue . The electric blue jack dempsey is characterized by its iridescent blue coloration and black spots on its body. I can almost always see at least 6, and sometimes all 9, hanging out at the front of the tank. Gravel and sand are usually dirty and dusty, so start by rinsing your substrate under running water. Place an upturned saucer on the substrate. So, every week you must carry out partial water changes to remove excess ammonia and nitrites and to keep nitrate levels down. The spiny rays on the backs of their fins work as a protection against otheraggressive fish, and the dorsal fin is often (but not always) pointed. The fish are sexually mature once they grow to around two to three inches in length, although most begin breeding at four inches. What sets the Blue Acara apart is its remarkably vibrant coloration. You cannot go wrong with an electric blue acara they are big enough to draw attention to themselves but small enough to fit comfortably in an average 30-gallon freshwater tank. The recommended tank size for the Electric Blue Acara is 30 gallons. Blue Acara 29 gallon planted tank. These fish prefer medium lighting levels, and you can use floating plants to diffuse the light if necessary. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. Angelfish. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They need a minimum of a 20-gallon tank with the usual 10 to 15 gallons extra capacity per fish. I have electric blue Acara but not experience with the blue Acara or the other two species. 7 Cory Cats. For perfect breeding. Like other cichlids, electric blues will rearrange the tank to how they like it, especially during spawning periods. That behavior in the fishes wild environment enables them to find food, but in the home aquarium, the Acaras habit of persistently disturbing the substrate can be a nuisance, especially if you have live plants in the setup. Treat the whole tank, raising the temperature to 82o F for three days, and use an over-the-counter, condition-specific remedy. Ideal tankmates for the Electric Blue Acara include any peaceful species that are around the same size as the Acara. They are nothing like their popular relatives such as the African cichlid, Oscar fish, Jewel cichlid, and Jack Dempsey. The name; balloon Molly truly justifies the appearance of this fish as their bellies are round and swollen with arched backs and extended dorsal fins. The size of an adult electric blue acara can vary, but they usually grow to be somewhere between five and seven inches. You can find Electric Blue Acaras at some good local fish stores, depending on where you live. Some of these species will do great in a fish tank in your bedroom, while others are true monsters of the deep sea. The electric blue acara was hybridized from a series of overly bright and colorful blue acara as well as blue rams. They are regarded as a beginner cichlid species, forgiving imperfections and wavering water parameters. For a single Electric Blue Acara, you would require a 30-gallon tank. Not only do they look amazing, but theyre a breeze to care for as well! The water temperature needs to be between 73o and 79o Fahrenheit. I would avoid the more aggressive cichlids and make the ACARAS the feature and ruler of the tank as they swim nicely and are very entertaining fish. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates, Dojo Loach Care 101 (aka Weather Or Pond Loach), Picasso Triggerfish Care Guide: Size, Tank Mates, & Diet, Clown Triggerfish 101: Diet, Tank Size, Care Tips & Mates, Marine Betta or Comet 101: Diet, Tank, Mates & Breeding, Ribbon Eel Care Guide: Tank, Color Change, Diet & Size. In addition, most treatments entail raising the temperature of the water to aid in the diseases eradication. It is tall, with a 75-gallon footprint. When choosing ready-made feeds, it is recommended to pay attention to specially developed mixtures for cichlids. The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is an American long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber.The B-52 was designed and built by Boeing, which has continued to provide support and upgrades.It has been operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) since the 1950s. First, theyre absolutely stunning to look at. Electric Blue Hap. There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. Our primary topics include aquascaping, tank guides, equipment reviews, and showcase of various examples of great aquariums across the web.
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