If only the same were true of politicians, the military, the justice establishment, and the multibillionaire elite. Actually, the film Wanted and Desired has notable inaccuracies and neglects to include the grand jury testimony which is readily available to the public. She is not an adult. It was stupid To take a childhood from a person is the worst thing there is. But, in truth, for many British and US actors, working with Polanski never lost its cachet, and arguably had even more once he became excluded from the US mainstream. It is the most vicious, sickening and coward action, to attack a young child. I certainly wouldnt allow any of you to get near my daughter. jarre and diana, the point that polanski never admitted to raping anyone is a big problem here. 17 HBO and HBO Max Original Series to Get Excited About in 2023. The petition was also signed by various other luminaries of the global film industry, including filmmaker Sam Mendes, actor Jeremy Irons, and actress Isabelle Adjani. Terry Gilliam Those that signed the petition, I would I have too much to say to put it in a short comment - but I have posted on this issue on my personal blog : But it seems to me that Hollywood must be a very dangerous place for a child these days as so many of its big names appear to endorse paedophilic activity. Jean-Marc Ghanassia It is immaterial as to the occupation of the SHAME on you Wes Anderson! Jean-Charles Tacchella I understand that there seems to have been a biased judge in the original case. Jacques Fansten But Zenovich does not mention how it also helped him. But this is the most important part YM: Accusing the judge of things and the girl of things and feminists and lactose intolerant people and etc. And miss Caryn Elaine Johnson, I used to have a lot of respect for you, no more.no more. Personally, I can live with a Hugh Grant who got a blow-job from a prostitute. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. I was mostly just on and off saying: No, stop. But I wasnt fighting really because there was no one else there and I had no place to go. Hope Polanski gets his! Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls! (Amis, clearly shocked, wrote: Even Humbert Humbert realised that young girls dont really know whether they are willing or not. In 1986, he met the woman who would be his next wife, the actress Emanuelle Seigner. Drugging a girl, disregarding her repeated No, her faking an asthma attack to get him to stop is not real rape? Robert Hossein never mind. Diane Kurys In the same interview, Portman said she "felt terrible" about accusations of whitewashing(Opens in a new tab) in her upcoming film Annihilation. Vinciane Lecocq Pascal Thomas Throughout my work and throughout the years I have been vocal and supportiveI try to generate not only key positions for female directors and first-time directors but also write powerful parts for female actresses in ways that are not the quote on quote usual way.". Argento spoke publicly about her support for Polanski in a Twitter post in 2017, writing: "I already regretted signing the petition years ago, already felt it was a mistake. It was a long time ago was another one, as was: Hes served his time. (In 2009, the expert legal affairs writer, Jeffrey Toobin, reported that at that time the prison sentence for an adult defendant who pleaded guilty to statutory rape was likely to be three years in a state prison.) Alain Corneau Fanny Ardant Jean-Michel Carre People keep affirming that Polanski did this and did that as if they were there at the time. As much as I've been repulsed by Polanski's 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, I've been absolutely flabbergasted and offended by the list of Hollywood elites and celebrities who have recently signed a petition demanding his release. California turns people loose that are highly likely to offend again due to space and budgetary issues. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown [sic] and international artist now facing extradition. Paolo Sorrentino The rest say they are too busy. Christian Carion The . Dear Roman you have my full support. in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a petition demanding authorities to release Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of sexually abusing a minor after he drugged and raped a child and has been accused by many. Charlotte Silvera I think the Times Up initiative is wonderful: Ive donated to it because I believe it will make a difference. Cruz additionally attended the Golden Globes ceremony last month in a black lace gown to show support for the Times Up initiative. Im a liberal, I work at a major studio. - lARP Do you have kids??? Im so glad Roman has so many supporters that he can rape and sodomize, but are any of you 13 because thats target age we need. That he happened to be a director you like does not change it. She has also remained silent on the #MeToo and Times Up campaigns. if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. its shameful,to say that i consented it. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu What a sad coward. We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories. The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. The petition demanding "the immediate release" of Polanski attracted more than 100 signatures(Opens in a new tab), including Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, TildaSwinton and Wong Kar Wai. only to seduce a 15-year old nastassia kinski two years later- when he was 46. had he handled this differently, the victim would have been able to put this trauma behind her when she was still a teenager. His plea is on page 12: Do you understand the judge has not made any decision? 8 8 Most Beautiful French Actresses . (Page 13), On march 13, 1977, the day you had sexual intercourse how old did you believe her to be?, Are you pleading guilty Freely and voluntarily?. AOC declares 'we were right.'. Please somebody start a petition against Roman Polanski and the rest of his kin. David Lynch Natalie Portman. Djamel Bennecib This girl was very sexually mature for her age, even the judge said the prosecutrix was a well-developed young girl, who looked older than her years, and regrettably not unschooled in sexual matters. This was clearly a case of consensual sexual relations. Thank you for not allowing the blood thirsty mob to prevent you from doing what you believe to be right. Strip polanski of his resume and he is a man. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown and international artist now facing extradition. What is the big deal about the Reverend Polanski? I might not like it, but I can separate the man from his work. She was not unresponsive, he writes. Defending Polanski in the face of his full admission of drugging and raping a 13 year-old, fleeing charges because he thought he was too important to face the consequences of his actions, boasting to Martin Amis that EVERYONE wants to F*** little girls! and complaining how HE is the victim (in true sociopathic form) by not being able to work in Hollywood for 30 years, while never ONCE saying that what he did was unfathomably wrong, has nothing of importance to say about humanity. Polanski is a child rapist probably a serial child rapist. In September 2009, Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police on a warrant for his 1977 sexual-abuse case. I happen to believe that. Everyone signing this list should be ashamed of themselves. In fact the number was four. Really, you are worse than the most rabid of Polanskis detractors. By now, celebrities were falling over themselves to defend Polanski. Just ask her. -For a list of signatories, continue to the next page.-. Giuseppe Bertolucci She has had to hear about this, talk about this, show up for the DA, etc, and frankly, after 30 years and your entire adult life having to talk about how you were raped when you were a teenager, I would want the whole thing dropped as well. Although the Spanish director signed the 2009 petition supporting convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, Almodovars been scathing when it comes to criticising Hollywoods institutional sexism. Alexander Payne David Heyman Now if the guy was a Duke Lacrosse player the hollywierd crowd and hordes of valueless eurotrash signing their soulsas if they have them away on these tacky petitionsnow that would get them riled up. Sigourney Weaver with Polanski at the 2008 Marrakech film festival. I hope the tide is finally turning.. Feminist groups that challenged him were derided or ignored. Michael A. Russ Erika Abrams, Fatih Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodvar, Gianni Amelio, Greta Amend, Wes Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Pascale Angelini, Yannick Angelloznicoud Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frdric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Marie-Hlne Arnau, Perhaps we can send the children of the signatories of this petition over to Roman so he can drug and sodomize them, as Im sure this whole unfortunate arrest business has him very stressed, and clearly in the opinion of the aforementioned signatories, such a genius deserves to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. The criminal case should be settled without any jail time. Pierre Jolivet See you at your inbox! The judge went back on his word because he was afriad of public opinion like yours. They want a circus of blood. - la Cinmathque Franaise If Hollywood has grown so insular from and arrogant to society at large, its time they were knocked down a peg or two. Unfortunately, he passed [] The judge certainly didnt give A DAMN about the girl. In recent months, Polanskis supporters in Britain and the US, who were once so vocal in his defence, have been notable by their silence. Alexandre Tylski Some people on other blogs Ive read suggested to separate the person from his work since many artist have personalities or values that arent charming. We worship/ed those artists just as they worship Polanski. A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. What he did over 30 years ago was wrong, but the fact that the victim received a civil settlement and doe not want the matter pursued means the case should be dropped. Weinstein is now firmly banished and actors are apologising for appearing in Woody Allen movies. By their extraterritorial nature, film festivals the world over have always permitted works to be shown and for filmmakers to present them freely and safely, even when certain States opposed this. Portman is one of the first . the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. His plea bargain didnt fall apart. The man is an animal and a coward. I am thoroughly disgusted by the worlds film community for supporting him just because he makes good movies. But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. Making good films does not exempt you from the law. furthermore, the reason the victim wants the charges to be dropped is because this case has been haunting her since she was 13- she is in her 40s now and she wants to get on with her life. children. What purpose does it serve to lock up Mr. Polanski when the prison space could be used to protect the public from violent offenders? I know I was thinking about sex pretty much 90% of the time. Will this effect them? I didnt know. said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. Roman was charged with sex with minor, not real rape. Alfonso Cuaron Again, some ignore me, a couple will talk off the record, some are too busy to talk at all. And I propose a boycott of all those individuals (and their businesses) who supported the illegal and murderous war in Iraq.. Lets show we really care about children! The facts have never altered. Do a search online and youll find the filmmakers site for the film. Move over, "Armageddon." Jean-Paul Salom Michel Ocelot The fact that Polanski assumed that he could travel without hindrance shows only his blatant disregard for the law of any country. Gay movies. My eyes were not open," she said. Fonda made his professional. Jean-Paul Rappeneau Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown and international artist now facing extradition. actually, it is the people who think that someone who is a famous white male should get away with this that concerns me. This Article is related to: News and tagged. Polanski showed not even the slightest sign of regret, but stated in an interview that everybody wants to sleep with young girls or whatever. And, to anyone calling this a case of morals: This is not an example of American Puritanical values gone wrong.
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