All these enemies have such a potential for an adventure platformer that it makes me sad. I'moverwhelmedwithsuggestionsforthe game rightnow,I'mgonnagostepbystepandthe do things with priorityfirst, such as a Gallery mode. But again, with the way I've built AI and stuff, it will be quite difficult to implement this. The game is 2.5 days old and people are already so excited. I think having permanent upgrades -- maybe tied to the experiments, if you wanted players to workfor them, or with a way to turn them off, if players want to experience the game with more difficulty -- would do the game a lot of good. Did you complete every single challenge already? Maybe fingering the player from down below or something. X-18 door code for CoC. There is a survival horror game on Steam called Captivity and I've tried to look for a full video walkthrough/playthrough of this game but the best I could find is this 5 minute speedrun that utilized in-game glitches to skip major portions of the game till the end. I was thinking to make it so completing the Hunter challenges (Zombie I Hunter, Death Hound Hunter etc.) I have playtested this game all by myself cause I am not a studio, just a one man developer. High heels are a bit difficult to implement, considering they player skeleton needs to change in height, maybe in the future. That's also the reason why the options menu doesn't load properly. Genre: Survival. So I'm gonna think about some way to balance this, maybe a new drug with proper pricing or something.- A drug that makes escaping sex easier. Kind words are very helpful and motivating to do more stuff for this game. It good. I think there a bug to with the face hugger because the message to get rid of it wouldn't go away even tho i killed it then a new message for it would pop up the next time it happen and it started to block my screen plus i didn't get the hat for getting rid of it either. If I may chip in not a game, but a management suggestion: You should write up a roadmap. To me the game is too easy: but that's most likely due to me playing the game for over 150 hours due to playtesting.I think you're right about the difficulty of the game. Hope you keep adding to this, game is a gem. All the code for the iot devices and ROS packages for the real life captivity game. It will take a good bit of time to animate an interaction just for one specific and single enemy. Newstagesarecomingsoon though,staytuned! I think I will add the futa option as a wardrobe item you van put on. A little extra libido here, A little extra strength there would be great. Could be fun. Ending sucks, I agree. That's sounds very odd. Just my two cents, really enjoyed what you have going here, and hope things work out for you in the future my dude. As well asa item that restores you STR. But gameplay is more important. Just make sure to not give me too much money so that I don't turn lazy and greedy.Just kidding. Atleast, that was what I started doing when I was playtesting it, so I removed it mid-way through development. #lostlands8 #sandcaptivity #fivebnAn artifact found on Earth interferes with Susan's life and forces her to return to adventures."Lost Lands: Sand Captivity. Any criticisms imo are heavily outweighed by how well done everything else is. However, I am quite sure I want to add more pregnancy stuff in future stages. Save Princesses. perhaps a level around turning the player into a futa and trying not to get your nugs drained, (female wizard school that needs mudblood semen for potions). Work fast with our official CLI. I'm currently a student following a pretty difficult computer scientist course, so I can't spend all of my time on Captivity. Did you lose progress after updating? Great game, payed a little extra after messing around with it. As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated. With Baird in your party, move on to the next area. The postal code that has a 5 in the middle goes second. I'm gonna think about it. I will look into this issue as soon as I can. I'm not sure that will be ever a thing for Captivity, but who knows, maybe one day. Also have the shops be a bit closer as it can be hard to get to both on the larger maps in 30 seconds or change the 30 seconds to like 60 seconds instead since we can skip to the next round. I'm guess it a gallery then? I read through some of the earlier comments and I can't believe this is your first game! I'm not sure if you're aware, but a lot of discussion about this game has been going on in the F95zone forums, just in case you didn't know or something. That's pretty creative and oddly specific. There was a nasty bug that caused loading issues, which was fixed in v1.0.3. You signed in with another tab or window. Take your time, don't worry. I'm gonna think about this one and see if it won't cause problems/be overpowered.The wake up animation after returning to the bunker is maybe too long. was worth every penny and then some ;)there is a bug with the fly sound effect on cave, no matter which slider you turn to 0, so long as the master volume is above 0, the sound can be heard. I'm a programmer, not an artist. Haven't tried caves yet though, that's the real test, and I see you've got a fair amount of critique there already, as well as a fair amount of suggestions overall. Yeah, Caves are still a git to do, although I did at least manage to *meet* the Musca. The wunder waffle gun seems to one shot but due to it being aslow reloadshotgun i can't use it well. I'm not sure its implemented and I'm missing it, as the data counts are awesome, playing the animations would be cool too after unlocking them. Platform: PC. I'm sure you are well passed the point of taking suggestions for you're two upcoming levels but I also would be down for hypno stuff. This game needs some lesbian love (even though futa's are sort of women too. I'm glad to see you like it so much. Can you try to place the game folder in a different location? I'm gonna see if it will work well with this game.Building an in-game options menu is pretty hard right now, because I've programmed the GUI of the game pretty badly. Your shack score is broken, but that's okay because it's supposed to be the easiest stage. Release: October 19, 2016. I'm gonna see if it's gonna work. (ability on the left like mind control has a bar like health which when full increases the abilitys level which increases the effect)Some rough ideasRioters : (2020 vibes please don't take it politically)Defendinga Police station against Angry and Horny Rioters (adding a Police or SWAT Outfit? I tried pacing my shots to my best attempt but hitting headshots consistently still seem virtually impossible. Probably due to futa-robots Well. Captivity. I've been thinking of adding some sort of Gallery mode, but I've worked on this game for a while now and I just wanted to release it now. I love where this is going, still needs some balancing here and there but overall this initial release offers more content than many other games that have been around for way longer without smelling greed too much. Glad to see you're enjoying the game. I care about this game: I want to make it as good as I possibly can within the capabilities and competence that I possess. Did you get the e-mails? Use your pick-axe and explosives to defend yourself.,,,, or a secret? Game starts fine, I can choose between the 3 options and quit, but options is just blank when I select it and when I start the main game, it just loads with the moving background. But that's kinda the point in my eyes. (I care more about the game right now ;)). I think this is a common issue with antivirusses when it comes to games that are not wrapped by a trusted source such as Steam. it says its pending. And were you perhaps able to solve it by dashing? Now i don't like how the later enemies can just make you drop your equipment in some of their grabs instead just let the player keep it as the active item at the time because it's annoying to have to pick it up in the middle of a fight then quickly switch back to it while dodging everything else only to get grab again and lose it once more. We had around 20 esp "nodes" all talking together over wifi by running ROS with its pub/sub pattern. If so, could you list them, and any other potential fixes? You can run each package with the following commands: This directory contains all the ESP code. I won't spoil what's on the other side of it, but I'll just say you're not really missing anything. Interesting idea with the hatch thing, it could work. Since there are a lot of possibilities. I'd like to see about a dozen levels, but I understand that's a tremendously large workload. Extra points for not having a patreon . There is no ending, it's pretty dissapointing really. Captivity is a new bloody horror experience featuring death, hopelessness and a tense atmosphere, it is up to you to escape captivity and deal with what ever stands in your way. Make sure to play the most recent version, as a couple of (valid) points your mention here are already fixed/changed. The starter pistol is fine for the first stage but really didn't do much in any other stage due to the enemies being able to quickly spam attack you from all angles so maybe make the enemies a little easier to kill for the first 3 rounds/ slightly buff the starter pistol. This allows you to never run out of ammo, cause you have so many weapons to work with when stocking up on pistols. I've spent alot of time to try to make the game properly balanced, and I wanted to make sure it's not too easy. The "Jenny" kissing animation was awesome (especially the smooching part). Oh, thanks, I thought progress will being reset. I did found out how to get the head humper off which makes sense now but the egg laying/ birthing can be a bit annoying in the middle of a fight. (Similar to the fingering sound)I think the first half of the Zombie grabber animation a bit to long it would be nice if he would bite you only halfassoften but does twice the damage not to hard just a bit to longSmall unity questions.Is there a reason why you save your progress in the game files and not somewhere on the system so that you don't need to replace the file on every update, like Application.persistentDataPathnot an expert hope I am not missing something., And for real that's your first game I am stunned, can't wait to see what stuff you will make with even more Experiencein some years. It's randomly generated for every player. The only special directories that are not for an ESP are: the names of these directories are pretty explanatory by themselves and the ESP folder has its own README. (verygenerousofyoubtw). I'm just a programmer. (And you don't come over as over-entitled. Right around when starting on the FER stage I really solved some issues and started to create good pathfinding. Lol, way ahead of ya. so the doors need to be opened in a specific order and you know you're on the right track when with each successive card/number you see after opening each door, the character's attire you see in each scene is . Would you rather have the metal sounds lowered quite a bit or just be replaced with normal thrusting and skin hitting sounds?Gangbanging is probably never going to happen for this game, so don't get your hopes up. Thank you for enjoying the game. If you look at the code, please remind yourself that all the code was done in the span of 3 w.e with no sleep literally in a dark basement. Top cover girl and fashion model, Jennifer Tree has it all - beauty, fame, money and power. The white android up top that comes alive after turning the switch on is also just for fun, no gameplay elements are involved.I 'm not sure what you mean with emergency end button. Also have a button to skip the much longer sex scenes if you can't escape at the cost of 1 heart or something as some people will want to get back to thefight then have to wait every time. Thank you all for playing! This problem is fixed from v1.0.3 on. Maybe in the future.It's good to know you're an elite, super assassin gamer. The postal code that has a 4 in the middle goes next. A bunch of graphics in Space Station are also recycled.Maybe I will post a unfinished build of what the game used to be. I like the idea of Flies being annoyingly fast and quick to 'hump' the player. As for animal stuff, I don't have any plans at the moment. This is one of the best H-games I played in my entire life! I've noticed some pretty good H-games stuck in development for like 2 years, with Patreon pages still being up. Thxfor yourcomment;-), Looks like some pretty good content from the trailer, keep up the good work and I hope others invest. SORRYBOUTTHATClaim this code for 100 Knobs and 1 Revive If you have never used ROS or catkin before, I recommend following these tutorials. I'm glad to see you like this game! And welcome to our game's page! Have a good day. so far is fun even if some waves seems quite hard. Towerfag (352) Adventure LonaRPG $29 eccma417 (334) Role Playing Just in Slime (+18) $5 Combine potions to make sexy slimes for your horny customers. I've published 1 app ever for an Apple device, and I remember it being quite a hassle. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Captivity on the PC, with a game help system for those that are stuck Tue, 04 Oct 2016 03:52:09 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS hey, just so you know mate, theres a bug where if you pause the game while someone is raping you, you can wiggle out of it no problem. All the data was then gathered by a main server that controlled the game logic for the entirety of the game. Could be a typo too. Thank you for bringing it up, it's a good change. I'm gonna think of something good one day. Furry Entertainment Robotics wave 15 What i said before and maybe move the shops just a little closer/ no timer? - General buff to all guns: I'm gonna make most guns a bit stronger in damage, including the starter pistol. Thanks for your input! Wait, you already got to the ending? The server was also made in a way that it is easy to implement a .json file with instructions to automated the whole game. I just bought the game and already put an unhealthy amount of time and focus into it. Try unpacking the zip file again, and don't forget to copy your save file over. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2023: Cheatbook-Database 2023 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from . These codes are rewards given out by the developer that can be redeemed for Knobs and Revives in the gam e, both important currencies that can be useful to help your character on its DOORs journey. You've reached pretty good scores honestly. i made a account just to ask, after being bugged by this for a few hours. What could be hidden in the shadows? That's weird. Also make sure to study for whatever type of school you are in, education is important but making sure that you are personally happy both mentally and physically is the most important and take many breaks so you don't burn your self out is very important. Maybe try itch support. Hmm.. Thank you, and also the game is fantastic. This meant that all these modules had to be controlled/sensed and then processed by a microcontroller (esp8266/ esp32). But there are many cases where she (and they) will simply be captured and given an opportunity to escape or be rescued. I like hyonosis stuff too. Are you considering branching out to other platforms to advertise/create a presence? I think I will remove this random element and just present all the drugs every time you enter the Drug Vendor, but limiting it so that you can only buy 1 of each drug every wave. Thanks for reporting these bugs! But it's kinda too late for that now.Thanks for your feedback! This is only the beginning of your journey behind The Secret Door - Step through it again to be taken somewhere new. I'm gonna look into that as well. There have been a lot of good recommendations and compliments in the comments so far so I don't have a ton to add, but I don't think anyone mentioned the idea of bosses. But I do disagree :). finally got through to buying the game. (if that's not possible that I hope that at least some enemies will have more than one animation available, but if the gangbang thing doesn't work I think that's also not happening)Now to some new points.I think I have found a bug the big bug (pun intended) in the cave doesstuckon an H-animatzion some times,at the end when it should move to the nest but it does nothing.And I think the amount of traps on the jungle should be limited maybe depending on the difficulty ?And definitely be able to change the order of your guns.I have a sound idea don't know how it would sound but you could add a pussy sound while beingfuckedto the slap sound which sounds wetter the higheryou libidogets. As for all stages in general: you're only really supposed to reach wave 20. I'm thinking about being able to spend skill-points to upgrade your character stats. A girl has been. Reload speed is also very high with pistols. That could definitely help your avid wanking. I'm glad that me playing around with differentstuff is helping a lot but do remember that i'm a gamer that has played a lot of hard stuff and i got pretty good at dodging and reloading at the same time as well as finding out how to dodge each enemy hit box more or less by killing most of the enemies then just trying to dodge the different attacks at different times till i got good enough to more or less do it in the middle of a heated battle. As their kidnapper drives them mad, the truth about their horrific abduction is revealed. Are there any audio drivers that you know will not play your game's audio? But I've spent a good bit of time on that animation and it hurts to just cut a big portion out lol.Glad to hear you like the game. I thought that they have H-attacks like fingering, strap-on, Cunnilingus and some tools like a wooden horse or a sex machine. I will add this feature soon! When I find a bug or when I have another idea should I comment on this one or make a new comment? I'm just gonna make it quicker.I'm thinking of nerfing a bunch of enemies, mainly:- Flies: I think I'm gonna reduce Strength drain and Libido increase on sex. I am just too exited, because I liked this game the moment I looked through the screenshots. Maybe in a future update. In my view it would be nothing but beneficial to have a Patreon, it would give you a good bit exposure than being on, and let people pitch in more consistently. Also, what do you think about opening up for players to add their own levels? I'm gonna work on that soon!The content menu idea is very interesting. it keeps saying my Area Code is not right. I sometimes don't want to play Fullscreen (Maybe I am not the only one). Iuse to think "if I go to the main menu, I can say goodbye to my progress". You get invulnerable for a little bit afterwards too so you can still escape after birthing.I'm starting to think the game is not actually that hard. grapple mechanics are a little unforgiving even on the new casual difficulty. Follow the guide and let me know if you can run the game. After that I will probably start on a new stage. I've read them all, but I don't have the time or sanity to really sit down and go through every point using my full intelligence and attention. Gather new powers, experiment with a ton of different combinations, fight evil enemies and unravel the secret story, all while playing with a friend! Other than these gripes, i think the challenge this game brings is refreshing when it comes to porn games at least, and the variety of fetishes is more than enough to satisfy my depraved tastes. I had a good bit of difficulty with AI and pathfinding. Captivity - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game Anonymous edits have been disabled on the wiki. Just an ordinary mob? Despite its cozy appearance, it clearly hides something sinister. I wish there was more mind-control and hypnosis themed stuff in the game, but I hope there'll be more of it avaliable in the future, -enemy threesomes/gangbang scenes-enemy animation/scene gallery-upgrades-meeting with other captives-a different ending-shemale/futanari customization for player character, and finally, I hope this expands past just 2 more levels. An entirely new experience from the makers of the 'The Forest' Sent to find a missing billionaire on a remote island. Captivity 0.1 APK download for Android. More content is coming soon. The perks were fine with like maybe a 33% quicker reload perk/ maybe a perk that makes getting out of grabs faster/ a perk that doubles your dodging stamina. Explore the bunker and interact with various things - find a way to escape! Thank you for making the game, i hadn't enjoyed a porn game as much as i have with this before :). If I were to count all the good ideas and changes everyone has suggested here, it's probably going to turn into a list of a 100 things to do. - No more weapon loss: You can lose your gun when getting fucked by certain enemies, like Flies and Abbys, but also by special attacks, like energy blasts from Sqoids. Game over and success with recapture as above. Input the code! I think the cap at which escaping should start to get really difficult is around 33% Strength, instead of the way it is right now which is around 50%. Also, try running the game in administrator mode, maybe that will work. but on the other hand, its hard as fuck, my opinion as an avid wanker would be to add like an easier difficulty or a cheat mode, edit: oh shit, nevermind. To be frank though, the current variety is already great. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. but how long is the wait time for the load up? And I still don't understand what can an Android in the location of F.E.R. Is it the general gameplay of shooting and dodging, or the escaping of sex? Love the game btw :). Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Still, completely justified price increase. Also, such projects take way more time than a wave shooter, trust me. Feel free to keep giving feedback and support, but please don't feel offended or ignored in case I don't respond. Also maybe a place-able turret or something that you have to buy ammo for then run to it to reload it that takes a few seconds. Glad to see you like the game! Subscribe? Thanks for reporting! And there is an extreme lack of "emergency" end button of the level when already know that you lost. Malerouille (144) Puzzle Daggan (+18) $10 A furry game where you build a village, play sexy games and fight bad guys. I think the payment never got through to itch. When escaping from/finishing a rape, if you hold down a directional button BEFORE you escape, the player character stays still, I have many times gotten in a "stun-lock" because I was holding a direction and I couldn't escape. If that's so, follow this guide: When the AI bugged out at the Space Station, did this occur right after being fucked by one of the enemies? It's the most recent stage I've made as well, so things I had learned through the progress of developing this game is applied to that stage. in the cave level it could happen that if a musca grabs you to the nest, then drops you then grabs you immediately after, it bugs itself and no longer does anything after the animation. maybe you should add some rewards that give you some starting wave bonuses, like extra money or a starting weapon. captivity game door code. You do not have to listen to anything that i'm about to write as it is your game and don't owe us anything at all. However, losing all your Strength pretty much means you're fucked (ha). Anaphrodisiac lowers your Libido, which in turn will make your Pleasure rise much slower, which in turn makes you orgasm and mind break less quickly. I'm 100% sure that some people find escaping very very easy while others find it near impossible. I'm glad to hear that you like the ideas that i was just spit balling out as it came to me and glad to hear that most of what i said seem to help out. I appreciate the immense support and and dedication. stage. I slept 4 hours today and woke up to immediately start attending class (which I'm attending right now). Players can find this out for . I will do my best to create new content, and probably create more than 2 stages. I think I like the brothel the most. Thanks for reporting! not gonna lie bruv, this is fucking amazing, its everything i want in a porn game. I would say that killing a boss gives an alternative way for players to end a level, and beating a boss would give the option to exit or continue and it can track how early the player beat the boss or how many times they beat the boss in a single run, stuff like that. Normal mode is the mode that the game always used to be, so nothing changes until you switch to either Casual or Hard difficulty. You obviously have a ton of talent but burnout is real. Yeah, 21, so that's good. Phew. Comments 13 to 1 of 297 - Captivity (18+) by Perveloper. If so, don't forget to copy your save file over the next time an update comes out. And I'mgladyoulikeF.E.R,thatoneismyfavoritetoo! I'm happy to hear you like the enemies. Captivity is an adult, erotic action game in which you need to fight waves of sexually driven enemies. I was thinking in a similar direction. Captivity Game. I found out about this on f95, played the version they had then realized there were updates. I personally enjoy the cave and space station enemies the most because I'm honestly into it, but I feel there should be a warning for bloody effects in the animations which weren't given when I first started to play this. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Or both? It is Leaps better than most H-platformers, but there is still something off. PS I will look into the save file later once i wake up from my nap since i been up about 24 hours now to see if i can find it. Removing this element makes the game pretty boring in my opinion so I'm not planning to remove it. I'm sorry you can't stand flies lol. Oh, that's not good. So the player opens the hatch and jumps down to the enemies.What do you think? I hope this dosnt come off as rude but I think it would make more sense if the futa robots didnt make a metal sound when they rape you, makes it seem like its metal on metal, also will there more futa content in the future? I'm asking you guys to have a little patience on updates and new features. Mo Shaonan, known as a play boy, who often flirts with girls. Can't wait to see what you do next! As for the Musca thing, that's new to me. Her face appears on covers of hundreds of magazines. Space Station wave 21 just stay near the start or the very back room is what help on that without to much moving around. The Visualizer package is used to see all the sensor info in real time of the game/nodes and the Controls package is used to control any node that has an actuator/controllability. Thats very weird. and if so can i have it/ had a hint where it is? Avoid getting knocked down by vicious enemies who desperate to satisfy their wicked desire. Our game is called Captivity and it's a co-op adventure, roguelike-ish game with some puzzle elements! The F.E.R. i really, really dont wanna do it again if its just gonna charge another 3 bucks and say it didnt work. Something like the player being hypnotised from a distance, and her being forcefully made to walk towards the enemy with her arms extended like a zombie. There's nothing to listen to in the PDA, no notes, and I've wandered around for 1/2 hour looking for . Just kidding, your comment got me reading up on persistentDataPath. and yeah, the difficulty is much better, you do good work man, id love to see more of it in the future, It won't load the game for me or access options at all :( I don't know what's up. Jungle wave 17 That poison man is so hard to dodge and the traps are bull to if your trying to kill the big orc at the same time. Not really in a level, but the door he's referring to is a keypad-locked door to the far right side of the room you wake up in when you start the game. I've read this reply and looked for that file, but can't find it : C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Perveloper\Captivity\xGameDB.db. now, i cant be wrong. Personally I liked the goblin minor animation, smaller enemy sizeplay with the player character is good, and I think you can do more with them than just larger enemies could, you can just exit to main menu and click play game again. Tell me what you think of the difficulty now. Updated Captivity to v1.0.4 November 19, 2020 by Perveloper 6 #patch Added difficulty option. I can't consistently work on Captivity, and that's why I don't expect consistent money from generous people. But I'm starting to think the damage the guns do is fine. No dates, no release shedule, just a list of things you are working on or planning to do, roughly ordered by how important or sure to be added they are. The main server was also running a GUI that enabled the "game master" to see everything happening in the rooms as well as control any actuator remotely. Captivity. Thank you for your very generous tip, I appreciate it!Hmm you're probably the 4th person to suggest some form of upgrading. Each enemy has his own fetish.
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