On a recent Friday night, several hundred suburbanites gathered in Fairfax, Virginia, to sing battle songs. 2007 121,100 2009 7,920 According to AFA 990 tax forms, the national American Family Association was at that time providing material assistance to its state-level affiliates. 2008 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) Over the past decade, Louis Palaus son Kevin Palau has taken his fathers ministry in a bold new direction, through a partnership with the secular, liberal city of Portland Oregon in which each year thousands of volunteers from hundreds of area churches volunteer in a civic improvement campaign. The mission is to redefine the family, to replace the Biblical meaning of manhood, and to remove all vestiges of Biblical patriarchy from society. 2008 1,587,081 Beyond the amounts listed below, it also receives substantial funding through the NCF-funded Alliance Defending Freedom. 2008 8,300 Your donation helps children when they need it most.. Note: this is an evolving work. 2013 142,794, Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom (EIN 54-166459). 2003 51,115 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) 2011 7,000 One of the foremost intellectuals of the dominionist Protestant right, Noebel has helped shape the political outlook of entire generations of American evangelicals through such tropes as his claim, as outlined in his 1965 pamphlet Communism, Hypnotism, and The Beatles, that the Beatles were part of a Soviet plot to brainwash American through rock music. 13. 2005 10,000 Leviticus 20:13 states: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. In his book C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat To American Democracy (Little, Brown, 2010), Jeff Sharlet charged that the international neo-fundamentalist, Washington D.C.-based network known as The Family had helped to inspire Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. Compassion International Process Improvement Analyst III- Global Programs Remote 7d $84K-$105K Per Year (Employer est.) 2008 135,168 One of the current fellows at the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Herbert Schlossberg, who during the 1990s helped formulate a complex master strategy for combating organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering 1997 Co-presenting the anti-LGBT rights plan, at The Gathering, along with Schlossberg was Don Schmierer, then-serving as a program director for anti-gay funder Howard Ahmanson, one of the top funders of Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2007 238,700 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) California Family Council 2001 10,000 In its Fall 2011 issue, the Ivy League Observer featured an article by one of the leaders of the Princeton Group initiative, venture capitalist Chuck Stetson, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and the CEO of the (anti-gay) National Marriage Week. 2005 17,550 2002 94,810 2009 7,050 2008 $47,440,500 (ORU missions $1,700) ( see: http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2014/april/bill-gothard-breaks-silence-on-harassment-claims-by-30-wome.html ), 2001 0 2005 1,675 Giving a special un-recorded presentation was Alan Sears, Alliance Defending Freedoms president. National Christian Foundation funding of NOM begins just as religious right efforts to prevent the legalization of same sex marriage were faltering in the United States. Ware is co-author, with Young Earth creationist Ken Ham, of the 2007 book Darwins Plantation: Evolutions Racist Roots which on page 168 states, The homosexual agenda is extending its tentacles throughout the United States culture via media, entertainment, education, and the political system.. This new research points all the way back to Genesis 3. 2006 43,500 2007 24,500 advised (see: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/religious-freedom-origin-story) the Kansas state legislature in the creation of Kansas House Bill 2453. 2003 10,500 2002 17,500 2007 531,510 The Explosive Power of the New Apostolic Reformation (Regal Books, 1999)]. In Touch Mission International 2003 3,000 2006 300 ex-gay apologetics (see: http://www.probe.org/site/c.fdKEIMNsEoG/b.4465835/k.9241/Homosexuality.htm), 2002 5,000 Head of Faith 2 Action Janet Porter, ne Janet Folger, fronted for the 1998 Truth In Love ex-gay promotion campaign that briefly helped establish ex-gay leaders such as John and Anne Paulk as household names across America. This is where the Church of Satan was founded; where witches and warlocks have legal status; where homosexuals and lesbians heavily influence government; where selfisness rules. [22] However, Charity Navigator changed its rating system in 2016,[23] and Compassion International's 2016 overall rating dropped to three stars out of four, for its accountability and transparency. 2005 7,400 Leading those drives towards schism have been the so-called Renewal groups within the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and other traditionally centrist or liberal Protestant denominations. 4. The way God used sponsors through Compassion to In 2009, the year the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill was introduced in Ugandas parliament by MP David Bahati, Stephen Langa was a featured speaker at the 2009 Transform World conference held by Bush in New York City, as a leader of the family and religion track. It is due to their efforts that meaningful change is possible. 12. 2003 0 2010 1,581 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) the gays whom I employ seem happy, then how does one respond to the happy employee who just married his or her horse? The same document cites Leviticus 20:13: If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Youthbuilders, Advocates International bills itself as the worlds biggest faith-based legal association, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe. 2004 15,500 All Rights Reserved. 2010 5,600 God and His Law I knew someone thought of me and prayed for me and that I was loved. 2007 44,560 MLM is the ministry of Os Hillman, a friend of Julius Oyet. Mercy Ministries is headed by Nancy Alcorn, who (along with her husband Randy Alcorn) moves in circles of apostles and prophets associated with the NAR movement. 2011 -7,387, The Jesus Film Project (Campus Crusade For Christ International) EIN 95-6006173 Christian Legal Society 2010 0 (see: http://vimeo.com/purepassion/videos/ ) Endorsed by Focus on the Family founder and longtime head James Dobson, Summit is one of the notable points of intersection between the mainstream, populist Christian right, as represented by Dobsons Focus on the Family, and the farther reaches of the hard evangelical right. Ranked No. Trinity Academy 2012 11,760. As reported in Kenyan media (see: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/mobile/?articleID=2000168074&story_title=DP+William+Ruto%3A+homosexuals+have+no+place+in+Kenya ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. . 2011 50,000 The emphasis on redistribution of wealth as the answer to poverty and deprivation 2006 500,000 2001 35,000 Family Research Council 2009 5,350 2008 170,430 Warren also met with First Lady Janet Museveni and spoke at Uganda Christian University. 2002 18,600 As of January2019[update] the cost to sponsor a child through Compassion was US$38 per month, and globally there were over two million babies, children, and young adults in its programs. Compassion International began in the heart of one man moved by the plight of Korean War orphans The Rev. 2013 60,050, California School Project (EIN 20-3226605). 2009 -193,765 Food for the Hungry grants helped fund the creation of the Disciple Nations Alliance, which has worked directly with Ugandan Stephen Langa, one of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill. According to Food For The Hungry/UK, Samaritan Strategy Africa is a team of African leaders who have banded together to execute an ambitious plan to take the DNA teaching across the continent. (see: http://www.uk.fhi.net/hopeforafrica.html). On your first letter, you told me the phrase, "We love you." 2011 12,200 And for all the encouragement, prayers and support. 2007 148,000 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). 2011 2,860 2009 2,500 LGBTQI+ people may also experience rejection from families, religious communities, and other social networks. 2008 4,000 2008 1,094,120 2008 88,350 2004 97,624 My community celebrated my sponsorship because they believed I was one child rescued from the normal societal script and there was going to be greatness in our community from me. Your donation to the Where Most Needed Fund will help support the mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name. Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. Christian Union was created to evangelize at the elite East Coast universities Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. First, Charity Navigators updated criteria removed revenue growth as a measure they evaluate. Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. TruthXchange The causes of hunger and deprivation, therefore, are spiritual as well as material and 3. In Asia, Compassion works in Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. 2012 310,415, Association of Christian Schools International (EIN 95-6072587 : also funded by The Gatherings Huston Foundation & Stewardship Foundation). As detailed in a Twocare.org investigative report, CEF was one of the leading ministries engaged in the 1992-1997 program under which American evangelicals indoctrinated millions of school children in former Soviet Union countries (see: http://www.twocare.org/how-antigay-american-fundamentalists-indoctrinated-russias-school-children-1992-1997/). Violate that rule and you are toastas last weeks public shunning of evangelical pastor Louie Giglio shows. Many leaders funded by the National Christian foundation and who are associated with The Gathering (including Wess Stafford and Rick Warren) have evinced sentiments very similar to Doug Coes, admiration of the dedication of the followers of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao. (see: http://www.religiondispatches.org/archive/politics/1273/fighting_demons__raising_the_dead__taking_over_the_world/), 2006 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) 2013 800, Widely known as the Latin Billy Graham, Louis Palau established his name and career through nation-hopping evangelistic crusades (though Palau now eschews the term crusade, as divisive.). 2010 34,350 2002 6,900 2007 9,000 2002 1,000 Your chosen sexuality is deeply tied to a pagan religious agenda that denies the Creator and sees no need for salvation. The Christian Legal Society has partnered with the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) in the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez case which came before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010. Truro Anglican Church 2013 2,410,707. Second, the revenue growth metric was replaced by a debt to asset ratio. This ratio measures the assets a charity holds on its financial statements. Activists in states that allow gay marriage have been targeting bakeries and photography studios owned by citizens who oppose gay marriage based on deeply-held religious beliefs. 2003 85,750 2013 185,000. Promotes conferences that seek to change gay people, Admits: I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible, Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery: The Judeo-Christian worldview at the heart of Western culture and so our legal and governmental systems (Ten Commandments, an eye for an eye, the very concepts of mercy, justice and rehabilitation) promotes marriage and family while decrying other modes of sexuality homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, etc, Uses skewed research from activists who share his view to claim that gay men can change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and that homosexual orientation is not an immutable fact of nature or Creation., IFI President Smith has testified before the Indiana House in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (see: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/01/22/3195191/indiana-house-committee-advances-constitutional-amendment-banning-sex-marriage/). 2009 5,000 2011 73,800 [T]he endgame of homosexual activists is not simply to upend duly enacted laws defining marriage. 2010 238,250 Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. American Values will respond to the attack on marriage. The ex-gay New Hope Ministries is run by Frank Worthen, one of the original board members of Exodus International North America when it was founded in 1976. In 2013, Mitala passed leadership of the National Fellowship of Born-Again Churches on to Joshua Lwere, in a ceremony in which Mitala called upon Lwere to fight homosexuality and pornography in Uganda as a Uganda news service characterized it. I gave up leading this family, and I forced you to take my place. 2012 17,050, Great Commission Foundation EIN 35-1057090 2009 38,100 2004 245,445 ( 50K AFA Radio ) Wrote the author, through His lovethat one-of-a-kind, unconditional, sacrificial love like no otherI was delivered from homosexuality. Foundation For Moral Law Sponsored children are selected by the sponsors from lists provided by the ministry, and two-way communication is encouraged between the sponsored child and the sponsor. 2011 5,005,293 As of when Ahmanson cosponsored the Villars Consultation, he was still serving on Chalcedons board of directors and over the years had been closely mentored by Chalcedon founder R. J. Rushdoony, considered the father of Christian Reconstructionism and whose dying bedside Howard Ahmanson sat vigil at in 2001. Compassion International alumni, now adults, thank sponsors for their impact in emotional letters. Since the Rev. 2004 1,000 [19][20] The research, by Bruce Wydick, Paul Glewwe, and Laine Rutledge, evaluated Compassion efforts in six countries, with 10,144 children studied, reporting "large, statistically significant impacts on years of schooling; primary, secondary, and tertiary school completion; and the probability and quality of employment." A Director of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee while in law school, Bauer served, from 1982-1987, as President Ronald Reagans Deputy Under Secretary for Planning and Budget in the Department of Education. Compassion International Church Partnerships Specialist I Remote 2d $54K-$67K Per Year (Employer est.) 2002 100 2011 3,600 The attempt to synthesize Marxist categories and Christian concepts, to equate [25], Compassion operated in India for 48 years, with $45million in transfers annually, making it India's largest single foreign donor. CharityWatch's rating of Compassion International also includes the financial activities of its international affiliates, which are consolidated in the Compassion International audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. 2006 226,500 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). 2006 540,305 2007 66,500 In 2013 Langa traveled to Arizona to meet with DNA leaders Darrow Miller and Bob Moffitt. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (EIN 44-0610626). Healthcare. At the presentation, a program director for the Maclellan Founbdation solicited funds (through an anonymizing mechanism, likely a donor-advised fund) to implement the plan. In 2012, Advocates Internationals affiliate Advocates Guyana, responding to a possible push in the Guyana National Assembly to de-criminalize same-sex relations, issued a statement that such a legislative action would be an assault on our Guyanese beliefs and value system and an assault on the family. 2010 9,357,128 2011 1,260,040 2009 297,229 2013 2,168,986 (does not include local FCA branches), Fidelis Center For Law and Policy (EIN 20-2787890). In 2010, Stewart attended the CEFs triennial National Convention, which featured as a keynote speaker Dr. A. Charles Ware president of Crossroads Bible College. Raising funds, from The Gatherings deep-pocketed investors, to implement that plan was a program manager for the Maclellan Foundation one of the most significant foundations at The Gathering and central to the creation of the National Christian Foundation. The .gov means its official. Listing for: Regency at Bluffs Park. 2007 5,000 Healing Rooms Ministries Founded in 1952, Compassion International is a Christian child sponsorship organization dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty around the world. 2005 4,950 We did see nay cities open up to the gospel for the first time. The Alliance Defending Freedom, a heavy recipient of NCF funding, in turn provides substantial grants to the Liberty Counsel. The umbrella coalition known as the ADF plays a preeminent coordinating and funding role for legal organizations of the Christian and religious right. Around the world, so-called conversion therapy and other efforts to change sexual orientation and gender expression subject LGBTQI+ people to psychological, physical, and verbal abuse. See Wydick, Glewwe & Rutledge (2013), Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, ONG "Compassion international": Soutenir 22 000 enfants dfavoriss, Aprs 20 ans, Compassion International roriente son programme de formation en leadership, 45 ans auprs des plus vulnrables d'Hati, Compassion International seeking donations to support ongoing relief in Haiti, "Two Million Now Registered in Ministry's Child Development Program", "Ratings and Metrics: Compassion International at", "Want to Change the World? Paul Cameron has repeatedly campaigned for the abrogation of the civil rights of lesbians and gay men, substantiating his call on the basis of his distorted interpretation of this research.. 2011 9,606,281 2007 315,000 According to a poll of top development economists, 2010 7,925 Kennedys many projects included the Center For Reclaiming America, known for its patronage and promotion of leading Christian Reconstructionists. These two scholars have shaped a theoretical development perspective which posits that Western cultural values rooted in Christianity and in the case of Harrison, especially Protestant Christianity, have played an indispensable role in the economic and political success of the European and North American West. 2012 0 Scruton neatly elided the reality that American military adventurism had effectively obliterated what Iraqi nationalism had existed, and removed a dictator who, for all his brutality, had effectively held the nation together. These people are playing for keeps. economic liberation with salvation, and to use the Marxist critique, without recognizing the basic conflict between these views and the Biblical perspective. 2012 14,650, 2001 1,000 2004 75,500 The arbitrary new nations (e.g. And we need your help. The IRD, which historically received heavy funding from Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Co., has aggressively worked to provoke schisms in mainline Protestant denominations over wedge issues such as the ordination of gay clergy, same sex marriage, and abortion. 2009 55,100 In the interview, Doug Phillips also called for a return to Biblical patriarchythe loving and sacrificial leadership of families by fathers, men who lead their families with godliness and vision. Doug Phillips was perhaps the most prominent leader in the Quiverfull movement (see: http://quiverfull.wordpress.com/about/) that encourages women to submit to male authority, leave their jobs, and return to the task of bearing as many children as possible. 2006 6,400 2006 500 Transgender people face high barriers to legally change their name and/or gender marker, and are somtimes required to undergo forced sterilization or compulsory psychological treatment. TruthXchange claims that all belief systems cleave into two grand patterns, one-ist and two-ist with two-ist systems representing the correct fundamentalist Christian viewpoint and one-ist belief systems representing pagan belief systems. 2006 8,000 Use lay people to keep the anti-gay movement going We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. Compassion International Colorado Springs CO 80997 800-336-7676 Colorado Spgs CO | IRS ruling year: 2014 | EIN: 36-2423707 Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. 2007 11,116 Deliverance is the frequently used shorthand for deliverance from demon spirits, otherwise known as exorcism. As described on the Portland Fellowship website, Since 1980, Portland Fellowship (called Reconciliation from 1980-1988) has been helping men and women find a way out of homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ. The answer was moral and spiritual uplift, through Jesus. GENEVA (14 May 2021) - UN and regional human rights experts today urged Governments, faith-based institutions and religious leaders to respectfully and compassionately embrace the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse (LGBT) community, and to reject policies, laws and practices that discriminate or fuel prejudice. significance, and moral discernment. 2007 58,850 Besides funding from the National Christian Foundation, E&PPC also receives substantial funding from other The Gathering foundations. Minneosta Teen Challenge 2004 1,000 2011 5,000 2007 209,350 Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. In the video Alcorn states, Jesus did not say to medicate a demon, he said to cast them out.. 2005 157,956 The ADF in turn works with state-level family policy organizations created under the aegis of (NCF-funded) Focus on The Family and which interface closely with the (NCF-funded) Family Research Council. In 2008, Orombi spearheaded the launch of Rick Warrens Purpose Driven Living program in Uganda (see: http://www.christianpost.com/news/rick-warren-launches-purpose-driven-plan-in-uganda-31752/ and http://www.rickwarrennews.com/080329_uganda.htm). 2009 32,000 2013 27,000, Total 140,600 (The NCF has also given $721,211 to In Touch Mission International, sister ministry of Frontline Fellowship), As one description put it, The Georgia Family Council is your typical anti-gay organization: supporting legislation to ban gay marriage and calling the legalization of gay marriage regression. (see: http://www.policymic.com/articles/12219/all-the-anti-gay-companies-you-fund-when-you-spend-5-25-on-a-chick-fil-a-sandwich), 2001 44,200 2013 9,750, African Inland Mission International (EIN 11-1873101). 2013 0, Christian Broadcasting Network (EIN 54-0678752), As exhaustively documented by Right Wing Watch (RWW), a project of People For the American Way, the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded by Pat Robertson, has been a major global vector for anti-LGBT propaganda and right-wing conspiracy theory (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/search/node/%22Christian%20Broadcasting%20Network%22), In 2013 on CBN, Robertson made the claim, as characterized by RWW, that gay people in San Francisco try to cut peoples fingers with special rings in order to infect them with AIDS (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/gay-aids-ring-video-pat-robertson-doesnt-want-you-see). 2012 0 2011 6,700 2005 15,900 Institute in Basic Life Principles However, the Compassion International President and CEO Santiago . Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? One of the most effective Christian movements in the late 60s and early 70s was the Christian World Liberation Front at the University of California, Berkeley. 2010 26,875 2004 67,500 Set up your online account. 2011 306,000 2005 27,840 Failure to bond with his non-affirming father Feeling he can never measure up to his fathers standards of manliness.Envying his athletic brothers., 2001 1,000 2008-2010 0 Also in 2012, as described in CUs publication the Ivy League Christian Observer, Christian Unions Winter staff conference featured Andy Taylor, national director of Ellel Ministries USA. Our ministry to children is twofold: We work through local churches to provide child development programs to deliver children from economic, physical, social and spiritual poverty, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. In Central America and the Caribbean, Compassion works in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Mexico. 2012 874,930 (TVCs Web site includes a section titled Causes and Cures Of Homosexuality And Gender Identity Disorders.) In 1995, he even persuaded conservative members of the House of Representatives to hold hearings on the alleged gay infiltration of public schools.
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