But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. One of the passengers, Tabitha, ran up and started to walk with him. He briefly had the young superhuman mutant called Boom-Boom as a companion, and terrified her when he threatened to destroy the entire universe on a whim. His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. It turns out that Xavier had sensed, via his telepathy, that the Beyonder was once again in the vicinity. The Beyonder thus began his own criminal empire, not because of any inherent evil in his nature, but just because that's all he knew about from Vinnie. [14] They have also displayed other limitations, as an explosion strong enough to destroy a few thousand universes was sufficient to kill them.[11]. Whoever got the most, won. The Uncanny X-Men #203 (by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., Al Williamson, and Glynis Oliver), portrays The Beyonder's opportunity for redemption. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him. Later on, the Avengers split into two groups to defeat Beyonder and his forces. [29], Deciding he could not simply return to the Beyond-Realm and forget that he had ever experienced desire, the Beyonder remained on Earth but fell into despair. He sought his power, but this is far, far, more than even he can bear. Hence, he released everyone and everything on Earth from his control; wiped out even the memories of his conquest of Earth although he did allow some few of them to retain a vague reminiscence of it. The others were finally able to convince Magik that the Beyonder's gift wasn't right, that it took away their individuality and free thought. He was able to create a replica of Manhattan, including its normal and super-powered citizens, a feat that would certainly fall within the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube.Post Retcon Beyonder has reality warping powers, but not as powerful as other versions.Either he is holding back, or just his limitation. A riot at the Kyln set her free. He has the ability to control the fundamental fabric of space and time. The One Above All, The Living Tribunal, The Beyonder(s), and Emperor God Doom are more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. Klaw then went out to fight the heroes. The Beyonder could endow himself with a corporeal form of practically limitless strength and endurance. (He was originally described as millions of times more powerful than the entire multiverse.). RELATED: The Heroes and Villains Arrive on Battleworld as the Secret Wars Begin! Reece himself became much less angry and frustrated now that he had come into his own, and soon left Battleworld with most of the other villains. Beyonder displayed the ability to control others without them knowing it even while being absorbed. (Since it was implied that her essence would escape if her body was killed, then it would seem that her essence should be on the loose, but this has never been dealt with or mentioned.). When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. Or more specifically, it is the Beyonder's body and essence, but they have been possessed by the Goblin Queen. First, however, it was time for revenge. It seemed that Kosmos had tried to take an even more "mortal" form than before, perhaps somewhat similar to what the Beyonder was trying to do at the end of Secret Wars II. Eventually, he gets tired of all wars and battles and decides that the only way to achieve peace is to build walls between the four races, hoping that they will forget their grudge after a thousand years or more. Magneto agreed with her final choice, as he had earlier counselled mercy against the student who had tried to kill Xavier. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. The only difference between these two is the perspective of thinking. (At the end of Secret Wars I, when the Beyonder seems to kill Doom, he actually sends him back to the "present" again.) But Malevolence's father, Mephisto, followed. For example, Klein being able to create a town (Utopia) out of nowhere even if none of his beyonder powers corresponds to such a feat. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. Beyonders | Marvel Database | Fandom He stood in space, thinking. She thought he would be mad, but instead he fixed the bruises her father gave her. He did attack the heroes, but then slipped back inside, trailing Captain America. The Beyonder's curiosity about our plane and planet continued, and eventually decided he wanted to know more. People needed to be free to learn and take risks, just like the horse race. Or at least so Mephisto hoped; even with all this power, he wasn't sure it could kill the Beyonder. The Beyonder then returned to his original bar to do more drinking. Havok finally awoke. 10 Marvel Villains Who Want To Rule The Universe This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct in the same area. He was so angry that he unleashed a multiversally-destructive bolt of energy--which Reece then quietly fixed. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. Chapter 2 "The Gauntlet of the Red Skull" Spider-Man and the present others decide to use the remaining energy of the device initially used to recruit heros to teleport Black Cat (at the time she was assisting Blade and Morbius the Living Vampire in a battle with Mirium, Blade's mother.) Then the Avengers attacked, but to no avail--he just lay there, listless, ignoring their attacks. Doom eventually broke, believing he had lost control of his powers, and the Beyonder left Klaw and took his powers back from Doom. He sent down an enormous blast of energy from the heavens that destroyed everything in its pathexcept that the Molecule Man had saved a bit of energy, and managed to not only save all the heroes, but also put every other living thing in the path of the blast into subspace. She was found guilty and sentenced to the Kyln in Creche confinement. Growing impatient and annoyed, Doctor Doom and Galactus team up to defeat The Beyonder but are quickly forced to play his game. Odin Force: It is mystical and really powerful infinite source of energy. Madame Web said "It was too large of a strain on his powers." She wanted him to take her, and just kill Reece. Finally, many of Earth's costumed champions joined forces to stop the Beyonder once and for all, but none succeeded. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. The Beyonder told her his story, and they were both glad to be with someone else who shared in their unhappiness. They can also directly choose the opponents Beyonder powers as targets for punishment, giving them the strength to break it. The Molecule Man was moved and restored Kosmos to her former state. He teleported the two of them back to the heroes' site. It does also give some more background to the Beyonders (plural), which had existed in the past but had little explanation. One day, the Fantastic Four, with the Thing, She-Thing, Human Torch, and Doctor Doom, showed up in his universe. The Beyonder, in love with gadgets as always, thought it was great, but the heroes were worried that this was too Orwellian. He was still observing her though, and was interested in her power, saying that, out of those he had encountered so far, she was the being who had the potential to be the most like him. Later, Dr. Doom asks Ben how everyone was brought to this world; Ben said he will tell him if Doom releases the heros. It can directly absorb energy such as Cyclops' optic blasts or even the entire energy of a sun. The Kyln prisons were destroyed during Annihilation, and the Maker was apparently killed in the battle; Thanos had the Fallen One check her body to make sure. When he appeared to see her, however, she placed a time bomb on him and ran away. The Beyonder actually made an appearance in Spider-Man the animated series. Kubik developed from a Cube made by A.I.M. All was as it used to be. At first he was ecstatic, but he eventually realized that his sight was so precious that he might lose his sense of integrity in order to keep it, so he asked the Beyonder to take it back and take them off the case, which the Beyonder then did. In the case of the Puma, he had the power of the entire universe behind him, but the Beyonder was more powerful than our entire universe, so in terms of direct power, it shouldn't have been enough. The entities that were shown to have shared their power included Chaos and Order, the Gardener (and presumably the other Elders), Galactus, the Living Tribunal, Eon, the Celestials, and the In-Betweener. Back in New York, Puma once again found Peter Parker and tried to enroll him in his quest to kill the Beyonder. Once again Dave intervened, and said that they were just looking at things from the perspective of unfeeling concepts, and that Death was most important to living things like him. [52], In the Spider-Ham universe, "The Bee-Yonder" gives Spider-Ham a version of the black uniform. However, unknown to them, if they touched him, they and the Beyonder and a third of the universe would be destroyed! When he returned, Dazzler was leaving. This, in conjunction with the fact that he thinks Black Bolt died long ago raises the possibility that he is actually coming from a future timeline somehow. As Black Cat chases after the Red Skull she confronts him, but is captured by Dr. Octopus. Thanos planned to keep the Maker alive to keep the Beyonder trapped in the only "prison" that could contain him. [18], In order to combat Beyonder, Mephisto sent his demon agent Bitterhorn to form the Legion Accursed where he managed to get 99 villains together upon shaking their hand. The Beyonder offered to do all of this as well, but then they began to worry about unforeseen consequences. Cloak and Dagger followed, and took down the dealers, but not before they had given him the heroin. In retaliation, The Beyonder kills most of The New Mutants and sends Marvel's most powerful warriors home in defeat. This would probably suggest he was from a different universe. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. [9][3] The Beyonder creates a planet called Battleworld out of pieces of various planets (one such piece being a suburb of Denver, Colorado) and abducts a number of superheroes and supervillains from Earth and forces them to fight each other so that he can observe the never-ending battle between good and evil. However, even in this state, he was capable of easily sending a horde of demons back to hell with a wave of his hand. Finally he released her from his control, at which point she told him how his respect for her had led her to leave the life of the streets and get a real job. The Beyonder is a recurring antagonist of Avengers Assemble. They are powerful enough to kill every abstract and cosmic being rather easily. Following Secret Wars and Secret Wars II, the Beyonder experienced many notable retcons. He was frozen in indecision. More impressively, The Beyonder can destroy the multiverse, possess every human on earth, and, as exemplified in Secret Wars' Battleworld, transport people between planets--or universes--at will. [41] However, on another occasion, after trying to be a superhero by fighting a superpowered biker gang, the Beyonder stated that he limits his powers to keep them more in line with the world around him. In his rage, he went back to the New Mutants in New York. He began a life of vice, gaining weight until he realized how bad it looked. (Whether or not Black Bolt actually remembered him, or just didn't want to talk about it, is somewhat ambiguous. [23], In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Beyonder provides Guardian Vance Astro with a black undergarment resembling a Symbiote. When the Beyonder arrived, Magik offered herself up as a sacrifice in exchange for the lives of the others; the Beyonder disintegrated her with no regard for the deal. However, since he was limiting himself, he didn't cure her. He caused enormous natural catastrophes all around the globe, causing havoc. Marvel had two God's, then changed to the One Above All as one God. Beyonder | Marvel's Avengers Assemble Wiki | Fandom However, most of these were either due to his own self-limiting of power or some other kind of special circumstances. However, while it was strongly implied in that story that he was no longer self-aware, and instead was simply the energy that had led to the natural evolution of the Beyond-universe, in this story he is able to separate his consciousness from the physical form of the realm, and has possibly been consciously manipulating the way the Beyond-universe evolved. He told the Beyonder that he must fight for what is right, and that such a fight must involve sacrifice. The machine was then to rapidly age his infant form into an adult and release him. Strange warned that the Beyonder was going to destroy all the multiverses. The Beyonder stood thinking on his own for a while, now understanding how the experience of being in a fight and being hurt was quite different from observing others being in a fight--experience was indeed the best teacher. Even this could not stop him, and he emerged still bent on killing Thor. He summoned many heroes to defend the unconscious Havok, but the Beyonder killed them all with a wave of his hand. The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. While the Beyonder's legacy is forever tied to Secret Wars, there are a few key issues that expand--and challenge--his character, as well. It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. He later reappeared at Avengers Mansion. Her love had helped him overcome his own self-hate, and enabled him to love her back more freely. However, he did have certain circumstances where he felt there was a chance for someone or something to defeat him. Back in San Francisco, Rachel was only more determined to kill the Beyonder, and she still retained the power he had given her. omnipotent status. Where he encounters some of the most powerful heroes and villains. She is saved by Spider-Man and Captain America, this allows the villians to escape.