Even when open, theComponents: V, S, M (a withered vine twisted bottle wont accept any liquid other than the coffee into a loop)Duration: Instantaneous it produces. From this point, students wear uniforms counselor who takes first-year students under herfeaturing the colors of their college, though these wing, and Gyome, the troll chef of Witherbloomoutfits arent as unvarying as the first-year garb. Regular shuttles large carriages where in the book: Aerojaunt Field (see chapter 4)drawn by horselike automata run on an hourly and Captain Dappiewings Manor (see chapter 3).schedule between a station near the Biblioplex and THE BIBLIOPLEXeach of the satellite campuses, making the journey The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the uni-in about 15 minutes. It has a backdrop of rosesprofessor of shadow). Bookmark. Next Page. Heword, and in front of a crowd, shes a powerhouseof charisma, enhancing her speeches with elegant teaches a course in scrivening and scriptology thatswirls of ink magic. The physical book was released by Wizards of the Coast on December 7, 2021. Member: Quentillius A. Melentor III, RubinaFUTURE ENTREPRENEURS OF STRIXHAVEN LarkingdaleSkills: Insight, Persuasion These actors work together to create productions ofMember: Grayson Wildemere brilliant stagecraft, often involving new spins on oldThese enterprising students discuss business theo- classics as well as displays of magic and music.ries. Or per-ABILITY SCORE INCREASES haps your character is simply prone to rise later,When determining your characters ability scores, embodying the common nickname of night owl.increase one of those scores by 2 and increase a dif-ferent score by 1, or increase three different scores OWLIN TRAITSby 1. He offers his students standing bounties on campus.on any of his unsolved equations. random monster encounters that crop up on cam- pus. Each equipped with its own campus and fac- Silverquill Teaches the magic of rhetoric, poetry, ora-ulty, Strixhavens five colleges summarized in theColleges of Strixhaven table-cover a vast array of tion, and writing. Includes four adventures that can be played as stand-alones or woven together to create one campaign taking players from level 1 to level 10. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. You may use the tableinspiration. There is one 1st level spell and four 2nd level spells, meaning everything in this book is rather low-level. She protected them from usual creatures theyre likely to encounter, whatever the students field of study. Deekah (lawful neutral human Quandrix professorImbraham loves numbers more than people or the of theory) sees the world as an endless sequence of interconnected equations, which to her is theout-of-doors; some say he hasnt gone outside cer-tain chambers of the Quandrix campus in years. They create spells table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of afrom spoken-word battle poetry or magical mani- Silverquill student or faculty member. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the materials contained herein or artwork containedherein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.Printed in the USA. spell lists indicated in the Spells table below. These encounters might be truly random, or On interior maps, an arrow on a slope or staircase they could be unexpected side-effects of the more.points in the ascending direction When elevation .significant events unfolding in the adventure Each chapter includes a table tailored for that adventure.numbers appear on a map, a plus sign indicates arise of the indicated number of feet, while a minussign indicates a depression.CHAPTER SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONSTRIXHAVEN OPTING OUT OF THESE RULES TRACKING SHEET The rules for Extracurriculars, Jobs, Exams, and Rela- The sections on the following pages give special tionships combine with the adventures in this book to rules for certain aspects of university life. So why bother? Both the scholarly focus 2 A stoppered glass bottle that, when opened , plays a brassy orchestral piece of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion, or Transmutation) and the 3 A quartet of hovering water motes in a vial metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns 4 A bandolier of watercolor paints of nature in Quandrix as well. inner expanse called the Arithmodrome. core rulebooks: the Players Handbook, the Dun- CHARACTER CREATION geon Masters Guide, and the Monster Manual. ects a recording of an old mathematics lecture 6 A round bread roll cut so that someone could 4 I believe Im always the smartest person in the spread butter on both halves without ever lifting room. Interested in flipbooks about Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos? is the application of magic to academic study. I'd appreciate the help if someone could point me in the right direction! in studying history at Lorehold College by virtue of Chapter 7 is a collection of stat blocks for stu- .their connection to an ancestral spirit )dents, faculty, and various creatures on and around Magic is everywhere on campus. Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Download Free the Book in Format PDF. Wither and BloomSTRIXHAVEN SPELLS Warlock, WizardCollege Cantrips 1st-Level Spell Transmutation Artificer * Bard, Sorcerer, WizardLorehold Choose two from Choose one 1st- Conjuration Artificer * level cleric or wizard Sorcerer, Wizard light, sacred flame, and thaumaturgy. Before starting any of this books adventures, con- Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be sult chapter 2 for guidance on making Strixhaven read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters and uniting those characters in a group. A master of artistic technique, Uvilda trains and excitement. paign, you can run them as standalone adventures. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos PDF? : r/DungeonsAndDragons - reddit 74 Archaic 190 Art Elemental Mascot 191Ch. mist into lasting sculptures OCTAVIA, THE LIVING THESIS 8 Muse channeler, projecting blasts of Expression Crafted as a graduates final project many years ago, Octavia (a water elemental that looks like an enormous inspiration toward others octopus) took up residence on campus and never left. Thankfully, they are also a giant spread of utility, defense, and offense! The Loreholdof Lorehold College, reading every book on the col-leges recommended reading list for prospective stu- Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traitsdents. CHAPTER | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENtreatment of animals, but that hasnt stopped her out getting your hands dirty which is the first thingfrom using his discoveries for her research. This tutoring can be to cement friendships, establish rivalries, deepen bonds, and otherwise develop relationships with narrated through roleplaying, or you might simply student NPCs in this books adventures. Available to buy now at your local game store, bookstores, or online retailers. Bards thriveto enter one of Strixhavens colleges. Students of Wither-You filled your childhood with rudimentary alchem- bloom College are equally likely to be found pickingical experiments, all in the hope of becoming a stu- herbs for a healing tincture or riding zombifieddent of Witherbloom College. They are five colleges where students explore different modes dedicated to their research and to educating genera- tions of mage-students who follow in their footsteps. Some fighters, monks, rangers, and rogues study here, using Quandrix principles to train their minds. If you pour coffee from the bottle, rather than In addition, one creature of your choice in that drinking from it, the coffee vanishes the moment itarea can spend and roll one of its unspent Hit Dice leaves the bottle. adopt for your character.Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Persuasion SILVERQUILL PERSONALITY TRAITSLanguages: Two of your choiceEquipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, a d6 Personality Trait book of poetry, a school uniform, and a pouch con- 1 I ll say whatever I need to in order to maintain my high social status. THE CULTIVARIUMTHE ARITHMODROME The Cultivarium is an eye-popping, sun-drenchedThe Quandrix campus is alive with dynamic garden of spiraling, cyclical plants and fractalizedsculptures made of water behaving in odd ways: animals. You cant use If youre starting a Strixhaven campaign with the intro- ductory adventure in chapter 3, that adventure gives all this flying speed if youre wearing medium or the advice you need to bring a party of characters to- gether. Characters can explore the setting over the course of four adventures, which can be played together or on their own. Strixhaven. A Curriculum Of Chaos [z0xjzzm5enln] If you make a Charisma (Intimi-at dawn. Once the Studying phase of an Exam is over, have the players record any rerolls their characters re- Each Exam encounter has a Studying phase fol- ceive, then begin the Testing phase.lowed by a Testing phase. A number of possible positions are noted foreach place, along with NPC coworkers.BIBLIOPLEXJobs: Book clerk, book shelver, cafe worker, cleanup crew member, garden tender, store workerCoworker: Drazhomir YarnaskBows END TAVERNJobs: Assistant manager, cleanup crew member, cook, host, serverCoworker:Javenesh StoutclawCAMPUS GROUNDSJobs: Graffiti eraser, lawn manicurist, litter re- triever, sidewalk sweeper, statuary repairer, trash collectorCoworker: Shuvadri GlintmantleCAMPUS MAGIC LABSJobs: Cleanup crew member, specimen preparer, volunteer lab partnerCoworker: Urzmaktok GrojshCHAPTER SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONEXAMS PULLING AN ALL-NIGHTERThe characters years at Strixhaven are covered by After pulling an all-nighter, a character gains twoeach of this books adventures, which focus on the rerolls to use during the next Testing phase if thenotable and even shocking events that take place at character succeeds on the ability check. But ask me to add two-digitple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) world. He teaches that no rewards1 Archaeoscribe, chronicling historical Order come without risk, and his excursions typically endtruths for posterity with students heading to the infirmary. 107 Ruin Grinder 215 39 Shadrix Silverquill 216 39 Party at the Rose Stage 108 Silverquill Apprentice 217 39 Silverquill Pledgemage 218 39 Practice Makes Perfect Ill Silverquill Professor of Radiance 219 39 . While danger-mal activity. Search. Widdershins is a network of inter-he gives out unreasonably large portions. If you make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check while holdingQUANDRIX PRIMER the primer, you can expend 1 charge to give yourselfWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement a ld4 bonus to the check, immediately after youby a Spellcaster) roll the d20.The Quandrix Primer is a magic textbook created In addition, if you study the primer at the end of a long rest, you can choose one lst-level spell fromat Strixhavens Quandrix College. The join different colleges in their second year. Other students take as many as a -the mascots by college. How do you decide which of these colleges is right for your ing for the first time. 70 Ruins of Caerdoon 184 22 Advance to 10th Level! Strixhaven is a place of for future generations. Page Title Edit. it might briefly surround the targets with shimmer- ing fractal designs or tessellated patterns.PRISMARI TRINKETS BUILDING A QUANDRIX CHARACTER d6 Trinket Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well 1 A pair of rose-tinted glasses with glittery frames for a Quandrix character. Your owlin character might be nocturnal. Last. You can conduct roleplaying scenes withINTERIOR MAPS the characters fellow students, taking into accountMaps in the book primarily depict areas for the their Friends, Rivals, and Beloveds. of someone who has lived and died (or who will Few know that archaics existence is linked to a one day live and die) as an Oracle. On a successful check, the character gains one re-roll to use during the characters next Testing phase. Each chapter sitys understanding of magic is expansive. PDF FREE || Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) by Officially book is now available.. Download and Enjoy. umn notes which side of the perfection-expressionThe curriculum overlaps with Lorehold in the field conflict a scholar more likely aligns with.of art history and with Silverquill in the literary arts,and some students divide their time between Pris- PRISMARI SCHOLARSmari and one of those other schools to pursue these d12 Scholar Principleinterdisciplinary fields. The hall has a cozy inner chamber where students gather for classwork.Witherblooms campusshown on map 1.6 is DETENTION BOGtucked away in a wide bayou to the southeast ofStrixhavens central campus. Aportals exist as well.These portals can be unpre- star arch called the Dawnbow curves across the sky above the library, marking its location as a center of mystic learning.ARCHWAY COMMONS IS A FAVORITE SPOTMAP 1.1: CENTRAL CAMPUS Arches welcome inquisitive minds into the library. Check Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos from Bob here. I must leave a legacy!34 CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSlLVERQUILL STUDENT A number of both paladins and rogues attend Sil- verquill College as well, highlighting the diversity ofYou have spent years practicing your writing and the student body.oration in the hope of becoming a student of Sil-verquill College. 2nd Knowledge Wizard 2nd Your spellcasting ability for this feats spells is In- KineticJaunt Divination Bard, Cleric,telligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when you Vortex Warpselect this feat). STRIXHAVEN PENNANTPRISMARI PRIMER Wondrous Item, CommonWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementby a Spellcaster) This magic pennant bears the symbol of Strixhaven or one of its colleges: Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix,The Prismari Primer is a magic textbook createdat Strixhavens Prismari College. Most notably, mascotsform beyond the confines of an academic program. Now, I think its garbage and deserves to class. Mages who adopt this view wieldnegative energy and practice necromancy. Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery is a companion book to Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.This book expands upon the content provided in Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos in order to provide DMs with more ways to customize their Strixhaven campaign.The information . This level of exhaustion cant be removed until after the Exam.in the background. You might dream of using magic to con- LOREHOLD PERSONALITY TRAITStact great historical figures or your own ancestors or d6 Personality Traitof recreating the mighty magic of a distant age. Youre free to follow those suggestions or feet of yourself as if it were bright light and in dark-to ignore them. The player can wait until after rolling Characters can gain the benefit from a new Ex-tracurricular only by joining it at the start of an aca- the d20 before rolling the Student Die, but must dodemic year, which corresponds to the beginning of a so before you say whether the check succeeds or fails. Unless explic-Beloved 3 itly stated, assume that anywhere from a few daysRival -2 to a few weeks passes between the events of an ad-USING THE MAPS 7 venture. 2: Character Options 28 Work Hard, Play Harder . Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Someof study he so greatly enjoyed. Doing sothe university. While Dean Valentins exploitation of living The philosophy of the vein (decay) focuses on the creatures disgusts her, she also knows she can useinevitability of death and decay. Search . level druid or wizard craft, guidance, and mage hand. add to page 1. Previous Page. 1: Life on Campus 8 Campus Kerfuffle 60 Arcane Herbology 165 9 Exam: Vegetation Identification 166Magical Study Running This Adventure 60 172Campus Overview 44 Clue in the Bayou 173Lorehold College 13 First Day on Campus . these adventures. Druids and sorcerers are common in Pris- In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or PactMagic feature, the spells on the Prismari Spells mari, and wizards who study the Schools of Evo-table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting cation or Transmutation are also well represented.class. Related Topics Silverquill is The Dramarium is a facility where Silverquill stu-the most urban of the five colleges, with a campusthat features buildings of stately elegance. Otherwise, you can Rather than playing the four adventures as a cam- find the stat block in the Monster Manual. CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSWlTHERBLOOM STUDENT Suggested Characteristics. Dimensions : 0.59 x 8.5 x 10.98 inches. She explores new Imbraham wants nothing more than to crack the theorems by giving them physical form, and hermysteries of the world through dauntingly complex exquisite geometric creations are thrilling sightstheories. 222 . CHAPTER 1 | LIFE AT STRIXHAVENIn addition to teaching, he serves as Grand CONJUROT HALLMaestro of Strixhavens Orchestra of the Arcane,an elite extracurricular activity for top Prismari The center of the Prismari campus is Conjurot Hall,students. The greatest minds in the multiverse meet at Strixhaven University. You can see in dim light within 120crease. Methodical histo-LOREHOLD STUDENT rians and daring adventurers alike can be foundYou have spent your youth preparing to be a student among the ranks of Lorehold college. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Check out the gallery below for additional images shared during the press briefing . Each of the universitys five col- CENTRAL CAMPUSleges has its own campus, and the central campus, The central campus shown on map 1.1 is thehome to the Biblioplex and Strixhaven Stadium, heart of Strixhaven. He combines localingredients with flavors from his homeland into an The center of the Witherbloom campus is Widdersh-ever-changing menu of delicacies. The piece re- new aptitude: conducting.ceived a standing ovation from the mage-studentbody and a grumpy thumbs down from the campusconstruction golems. The bottle comes with a stopper, which is attachedCasting Time: 1 actionRange: 60 feet to the bottle by a little chain. A student can switch Jobs whenever they INTRAMURAL FIELDSwish, even in the middle of the academic year, as Jobs: Cleanup crew member, crowd manager, equip-long as they dont work more than one Job at a time. It's very possible I'm just an idiot and my lack of sleep is showing, but I can't seem to find a place that sells Strixhaven in a PDF format? This section includes places to track from Extracurriculars. members mentioned in chapter 1 include genasi, tri- The characters are also subject to the authority tons, and even a bipedal brown bear.of the universitys faculty and staff members. What is the purpose of art? Some Quandrix faculty members insist that of water, ten feet on each side. A third student might make a Dex- tor or other authority figure notices the cheating,terity (Sleight of Hand) check to create reminding and the student fails the exam.gestures or practice any physical components that If the Charisma (Deception) and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks are both successful, the characterare part of a course, such as the somatic gestures successfully cheats and aces the Exam.involved in spellcasting. end of each adventure provides information that RUNNING THE ADVENTURES foreshadows or sets up the events of the next adven- ture. Social Share. 155HE MISSION OF STRIXHAVEN UNIVERSITY IS TO As a Strixhaven student, you start with a well- rounded education in a rigorous first-year program. "Have you met Colwanda yet? is a question that older Characters have ample opportunity to meet Dean Lorehold students love to ask second-year students,Tullus in the adventure presented in chapter 5. new to the college. older students. cyclones whenever he practiced.) Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos PDF - Dnddict from bogsBiology, ecology, botany, chemistry, and related 5 Dreadbones, infusing dead tissue with magic to create Undead servantssciences combine with the study and manipulationof the magical energy of the Positive Plane and the 6 Earthcroucher, connecting directly with the land to power nature magicNegative Plane, the primal forces of life and death. It also provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. If you run these adventures as a campaign, one Each adventure takes place on and around villain is behind the chaos on campus: the bul- the Strixhaven campus. 2nd Enlarge/ Reduce, Vortex Warp (in this book) 5 Im beset with such an overwhelming sense of 3rd Aura of Vitality, Haste ennui regarding my art. They eat, sleep, study, socialize, and adven-campaign, and a collection of friends and foes. 2 I hope this all makes sense to me one day. 3: School Is in Session .. 40 Advance to 6th Level! They burn perpetually the ground, stands a smaller university landmark:with magical flame, symbolizing the path toward Bows End Tavern, which serves as a hangout forlearning and an escape from ignorance. But most students move to dormitories located on their chosen col- Dragons or the archaics can truly master both leges campus in their second year. Butmany people report seeing an arch appear to themat a critical juncture in their lives, helping them un-derstand a lesson or answer a burning question intheir mind. Consider these approaches: might throw you together more or less at random. Embed D&D 5e Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos to websites for free. Quandrix faculty members have repeatedlycube-shaped fountains, arching aqueducts that taught growth spells in this part of campus, andflow through the air, towers of solid-seeming water. No more than one Student Die can be rolled per check. The spell ends early if you cast it again.You have learned how to summon a Strixhavenmascot to assist you, granting you these benefits: KINETIC JAUNT You can cast the find familiar spell as a ritual. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos. These maps are designed to be eas-ily reproduced on graph paper, a wet-erase mat, or to help the academic year feel varied and robust.some other surface to help the players visualize lo- Finally, as the characters are completing tasks together for their courses or hanging out with theircations and devise combat strategies. With subjects rang- Quandrix Trinkets. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos PDF? Prismari. Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 | AnyFlip The spells also appear on the classon the college you choose, as specified in the Strix-haven Spells table. ..96 Oracle of Strixhaven 206 36 Oriq Blood Mage 206 Silvery Barbs 37 .Ch 4: Hunt for Mage Tower Oriq Recruiter 208 Vortex Warp Pest Mascot 208 Wither and Bloom 32 Running This Adventure 97 Prismari ApprenticeMagic Items Prismari Pledgemage .209 Bottle of Boundless Coffee 32 Back in Session 98 Prismari Professor of Expression .209 Cuddly Strixhaven Mascot Prismari Professor of Perfection Lorehold Primer 32 Mascots Everywhere! On the back, a harried Biblioplex assistant tries to tidy the mess. On the Cover The primer has the druid or wizard spell list. Today we'll be talking about all five "Student" backgrounds offered to newcomers . Before you finish your3 charges, and it regains ld3 expended charges next long rest, you can cast the chosen spell oncedaily at dawn. The cafes name comesinterior of the Biblioplex is vast, with long hall- from its trademark beverage, which the manager, anways, archive chambers tall enough to have their elf mage named Ellina, brews with her fire magic.own weather, and even pools and moat-passages The Firejolt has a reputation as a hangout for first-crossable only by boat. Using the rules that follow, characters EXTRACURRICULAR BENEFITScan join Extracurriculars to add flavor to the books While a student participates in an Extracurricular,adventures, gain minor rules benefits, and perhaps they gain a Student Die and a Relationship Point, as more easily befriend or irritate their classmates. spell.Silverquill Choose two from sacred Choose one lst- BORROWED KNOWLEDGE fame, thaumaturgy, level bard or cleric 2nd-Level Divination-Wither and vicious mockery. Brewing strange concoctions with me- you might adopt for your character.dicinal properties, exploring the anatomies of mon- WITHERBLOOM PERSONALITY TRAITSsters, and cataloging swamp flora are the kinds of d6 Personality Traitstudies you might pursue at Witherbloom College. where to catch the hapless student before they sufferLOREHOLD CAMPUS serious harm. The Lorehold campus shown on map 1.2 is situ- EFFIGY ROWated northwest of the central campus in a region of The heart of the Lorehold campus surrounds astark vertical relief.