I'm doing it five days a week and I'm doing seven days a week, 180 degrees for 25 minutes. That thing will go to like one sixty five like just from like you know, just from the corn, just from the popcorn milk. So it's not like the common cold is the illness you get, but there's lots of different viruses that can cause it. That's OK. Yeah, Zink's another one that's really, you know, important for immune function as well. Oh yeah. Right. Oh, my son doesn't want to take he doesn't want to sleep ever. But if you take it like, you know, four times a day, you can stay at 220. Right. I think all of those things play a role. What would that have to do with vitamin D? And they want to just they want to shoot people down, make people feel bad and just don't. I mean, so far the maximum I've seen measured is like 70 times that your blood can get 70 times 200 say I was like, wow, 18000 or 17000 or something. Right? This was the worst that's ever happened to me. Maybe maybe people will message me after this this podcast and be like that happens to me, too. It's on a tent. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. And Trager Day, May 16th. What are you talking about. It has like a little tongue depressor. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I you know that's dialed in and I'm definitely like do the right. I had a sleep study done. It's the only bourbon with balls, it's literally on the label, Buffalo Trace is made from corn, rye and barley, and it matures twice as long as most bourbon, the buffalo trace bourbon ages in new oak barrels for around eight years for the robust yet balanced tastes. But I mean, just like things like REM disappear and the monoclonal antibodies and then you eventually, like, you know, a vaccine will, you know, eventually, you know, be be available. And I was like, this is amazing. So they've done studies where, like, they they they have given people influenza vaccine. The problem is antibody dependent enhancement, so sometimes a neutralizing antibody is an antibody that can bind the virus and neutralize it, stop it from entering your cell, right. That's one thing that they're investigating. But I've just learned so much, you know, over the past couple of months. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. There we go. The other thing that happens is the antibody binds to the virus, doesn't neutralize it, but it like makes this crazy immune complex that, like, activates your immune system to just go haywire and it causes all sorts of pathology. Oh look. N-acetyl L-cysteine So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. (over 2 years), Love our episodes? Like absolutely. Because the thing is, like you are getting this incredible cardiovascular exercise because your heart's beating like crazy and, you know, you're not doing cardio persay, but your heart rate goes get jacked because of the heat and the stress. I can't wear my ears are like earplugs. And it happened. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patricks Fish Oil Protocol. Yes, so I can get the humidity, like if I get it up to 50 percent, I feel like I'm like like I'm burning. So so I feel like he's a trustworthy guy. So, like like I understand what it's like to not have a sauna and to have to use hot bath. That's what I've done in the past. I should go, something's wrong. They're doing doing naked. No sunshine=winter, you minimize energy use, put on all extra calories as fat, "hibernate" until summer and food is again available. It's your back and it's your back with a disc pushing into the nerves. Yes, it is. I've seen a guy who wears one of those, but he's diabetic. And oftentimes these vaccine studies are used to kind of test the immune response and like how you're how robust your immune response is because you're you're given a vaccine and there's all different types of vaccines, you know, pieces of an antigen or different types of, you know, ways that you can you can expose someone to a bacteria or virus, but you have a response to it. That's probably pretty normal. Trager and the Trager Day Sale goes from May, May 15th, which is tomorrow to well, you'll get this today, May 15th, May 17, 20 percent off all Rob's sauces and liners. It makes a big difference. And that's like we've been like leaning towards that. Like someone needs to be naked somewhere. And and I was like. But what's interesting is that there's been studies showing that these two beta coronaviruses that are responsible for some of the common cold cross react with. Like the more leg strength you had, like the improve, it was like some kind of crazy no to me. Yeah. Totally. And this is one of the reasons why I really wanted to talk to you right now. But by the way, the shower, like some days I'm like, what's matter? I like 180 Fahrenheit for sure. Yeah. So he was like, got it. Sure. Previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination confers long-term protection against future severe disease outcomes. It shows you like really accurate sleep. It takes the receptor in and decreases the receptor. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. Right. Like, I don't know what the x rays will look like. I wonder how much the vitamin D deficiency varies depending upon the winter, the winter, it's been shut. View originating episode Attend Monthly Q&As with Rhonda Support our work The FoundMyFitness Q&A happens monthly for premium members. And I'm typically like you know I'm like my, my meals that are like, you know, low carb, like I usually like I eat more like a paleo ish diet, you know. It exacerbates it. Remember, that's the big lady that was showing you earlier. . And and then just more and more studies came out where it was not not only not helpful, it was, you know, toxic. They cut a hole in the leg and then get the party. And it's like the first time I ever went camping and it was like snow camping. In addition to her recommendation of vitamin D, Rhonda has an essential supplement list including: Melatonin But there was there was some studies showing that high dose melatonin, you know, more in the like ten milligram range. Like saying in 104, that's that's pretty hot. Yeah. And so they're like they're chewing xylitol gum had a positive effect on the child's oral microbiome. I hope you stay and say bye bye. Yeah. But the cold shock, you ask me, cold shock proteins, that that hasn't really been measured in humans. I think measles also that it is it is a thing, not something that you want to, like, go and experiment with yourself. Do I do a hundred and eighty degrees for twenty five minute, dude? And in this I want to call it sciatica. I just I don't think that it's totally accurate, considering my only real way to measure that is those little suction. Louis Simmons invented it because he had a herniated disc and the doctors are telling him, hey, we have to operate on you because you have this compressed disc. But here's the interesting thing about this virus, is that it so this is one of the major things multiple studies have been looking at, like, you know, just immune variability. I remember like after show like you chew gum right. But but it will prevent you from spreading it, you know. I was like, yeah, I you know, you can't tell people they can't wear clothes. Oh the neuro gum. So but she's going to measure the effects on on, you know, on depressed patients. But the problem is, is that we don't go outside anymore. We were visiting his parents in Memphis and it was like Christmas Eve. But the question is, is like, you know, there's there's homeostatic processes in these cells and stuff and so is it. Watch Here. I have that outside as well. Yeah, I'm supposed to write that down. I wasn't I wasn't aware of the meat packing, one being asymptomatic, but I did read about the one in prison. So the whole point of that is that they're identifying antibodies that can neutralize the virus and they're going to grow them and manufacture them and give them to people. So. I have one friend who he did have had tightness in his chest, but he actually was in outside of like in December. What if what if, you know, some some common cold coronavirus has gone around and that, you know, those antibodies that they've made to neutralize that coronavirus beta coronavirus are somehow helping with the sars-cov-2 like. So I started doing research on xylitol while I was looking for alternatives to stuff like Tom's of Maine. It's different than like vitamin C, you know, normal vitamin C, you do need you need to get it from your diet. So the intravenous vitamin C is like generating hydrogen peroxide. How do you use anything to help you sleep in terms of like a meditation app or do you. There's a formula and in a lot of the studies and coming out of Finland, many of the people there are using are doing the the humid stuff on us as well. And they're still winning. On occasion. One of those. I think sanitising making sure you're using hand sanitizer and cleanliness and all the good stuff. And it's it is just hard to get them motivated to go exercise. Well, here, like the the there's been some really interesting data looking at like in there's in the Philippines and Indonesia. Most, most of these said three months. So so when you're younger and if you have it, it actually enhances immune function. Two hundred milligrams. I do it all the time. So it's one of the reasons why, like, you know, shift shift workers like A really are prone to Type two diabetes. You should when they start to go there, I'm like, you should have a hard time and you should judge. I mean, I don't even know he's been fucked up for, like, a really bad. So vitamin D seems to be very critical, saying if you have it, if you don't barthe vitamin C orally, you need a big dose and it's still not going to have the same effect. But I want to know how I really feel about this and how I really feel about this is very different now versus the way it was in March, because in March I was concerned and I was like, Jesus Christ, this could be terrible. There's been seasons, right? It's all just decompressing the back. Barroso, Laird, Hamilton, Laird, I talk, but like I was about to, like, go to one of his I was like literally going to get on a plane and go to Hawaii. That's the reason I do it. Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. And it was bad. Yeah. I really think the data is I think it's mountain data and I think that eventually something will come out and it's going to be just like the randomized controlled trials showing that it protects against respiratory tract infections. It has those inversion tables which are great for, you know, the same thing. This this is not cold at all. The only topic off limits is politics. I need to go to hospital. So and that's important because there have been some concern about taking vitamin D, increasing the EU receptor. And I'll feel better, like I'm sure it doesn't sound that odd. Can you imagine. And then, so then the next day I would like look forward to doing it to see if I could do it easier again. If you had rational people who are kind folks who have interesting viewpoints and they looked at something and they found something to be wrong with that, and they handled it with, you know, grace and some sort of modicum of dignity and kindness, they'll be great. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. Like, you know, people think about the song. But I mean, we're all not no one's working because they're probably getting more sleep now. It was so hot like, like, like I, I was, I was like on some kind of mind altering drug like this like and I think that's the point with those guys. Over 180. But there's another one that causes dental decay. Now, I'm like, we've got to be careful. So I think, you know, for for people that don't have access to a sauna, that hot baths absolutely are a good a model for heat stress. He's at UCSF. It is. They really are when it comes to things like that. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. Well when I do squats for sure, any time I do lunges and squats and heavy leg days, I'm a zombie for two days and like if I have a particularly intellectually challenging podcast I'll skip leg days because I know I'm just going to be too stupid. It's also the region that that is used to get inside of the cell. My fitness Twitter. So I think that in this case, people are motivated, especially people in my parents generation that are older because they're they're more scared. Well, the IV is it's totally IBS, totally different. It starts with finding the answers to your questions. Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. Right. Like what I like. There was this weird. Like, you know, I mean, for you personally, for just for health benefits. I'm always happier during warmer and sunnier months. It's higher in people with sars-cov-2. It's really awesome. I eat the shit out of that stuff. And one of the first experiments I had that I was doing, like one of my first projects was. Dan, Dan had his appendix removed like he so he had was this crazy story. But what just, you know, doing some some reading about like, why are people's immune systems so different? I mean, it's like naptime is like what can I get work done or it could take a shower. Look, I went a long time without Asthana. So monoclonal antibodies, I think, are a really big, you know, possibility for a promising therapeutic because you can then I mean, the problem is growing like large scale manufacturing them. It was like I want to take two pills of the two thousand. Yeah. Better. So he gets in over two hundred degrees with a fucking aerodyne bike with oven mitts on this crazy asshole is riding in Aerodyne. Right. You know, you have more skin exposed. And what dose for one. I don't know. Yeah. It just makes sense that if you have more leg strength, that means you're doing more activity. So, you know, making this general statement that, oh, vitamin C supplementation doesn't do anything is not it's accurate in some respects. But I did sleep, you know, because I was I was sleep deprived. We did a video on it and like it's I mean, it effects like the insulin secretion, sensitivity, like all that stuff. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. I love it. It's just like this. Llamas could be the key to fighting new coronaviruses research says the larger. So she she helps out a lot. I can't remember the name. So so basically, when you when your body is exposed to a pathogen like a virus, your your innate immune system, you know, the first line of defense, like neutrophil, things like that are making hydrogen peroxide, trying to kill the virus. Or two, because I've read a bunch of, you know, evidence surrounding this topic, you know, about all the other clinical evidence, all the genetic labs, all the animal like. Like they're going to be deficient, you know, and they're so much more like they're like it's wreaking havoc in Sweden on the small population, that is so logical. It's wasted if you take more than that. But what's interesting is that there's there's actually been a genetic link to this this mutant. You know, that is such a crazy number. I got a mouthpiece and it's amazing. Well, you do. Do you like it? But I was also using the gym sonas. I mean, you know, so so, of course I want to believe it, you know, but like, there was this interesting study where African-Americans who are very deficient in vitamin D, they were given a vitamin D supplement for like a month and it decreased their epigenetic age by like two years. You just I couldn't come to an answer. Shame on me. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. So it's like basically a battery of feeling things. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to do this. It's called the DEA. I can't say enough good things about this grill. So physical activity was like the king. Is there any benefit to that? It makes your breath smell worse. So, I mean, do you think that this could be a factor in why so many African-Americans are getting hit so hard? They're they maintain homeostasis, you know what I mean? I mean it's like just from that alone. There was a link between like leg strength and cognitive function. But anyways, I had to because you have two cavities there at the point of no return where, you know, like you, they're I guess they penetrate the enamel a certain amount and they're like, you have to you have to like, get them out. Well, some of them, they have poor people, especially in the beginning when you're seeing these people that were like using makeshift masks and just trying to. I feel from the sauna that Charles Raisen published, you know, and that doctor, Dr. Mason, will hopefully carry on the torch. Yeah, I think I think Gabby Gabby, Larry's wife, um, she she has a podcast earlier. So it usually that's usually what it's just doing is, you know, moving calcium out and bringing it to the bones. And what happens when you take I mean I mean, you can throw this on the you can flip flip this over and say, OK, what happens when you take the guy from the UK, the Brit, and put him in Australia, like without any sunscreen or without a hat or no answer? What difference? Yeah. This has been shown with vitamin vitamin, you know, vitamin supplements as well. And if you want to wear a mask in public, that makes sense to, OK, I get it. What got me thinking about this whole thing was, you know, in the prisons and jails, I mean, they're in close quarters and they're you got one virus that someone's exposed to and they all get it right. And you know, the effects on babies. I like it a lot. And in fact, because the zinc is bound to fight weight, it's less bioavailable. So, I mean, that's. And I'm like, well so I had my my level's measured literally. So to me is there's so many benefits. So there's a theory that potentially that mutation is causing people's immune system to hyperactivity and basically become more active. And so, like those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections than people that don't have that, which it's a great way of kind of randomising people by their genes as opposed to doing a randomized controlled trial. Yeah, obviously it's in your body, but when you if it's in your nostrils or if it's in your respiratory tract and you're breathing in that heated sauna air, does that have any effect at all on on viruses? Totally have it. Right. I loved it. Hydrolyzed Collagen There's like an antioxidant effect in the lungs, like things like that. You told me you'd been tested and I guess got tested again on Sunday, tested. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. So, you know, I thought, why not try it? So I have like all the apps and stuff and most of the time like and I turn my my my iPhone screen is like down and they have the black background and all that. And I think that that I think that eventually there's going to be therapeutics that are identified, you know, not multiple ones maybe. So there's because they're releasing people, especially California, which is so wacky, they're releasing sex offenders. And and the reason that's important is because a lot of studies looking at oral vitamin C consumption and like, for instance, the common cold incidence, the common cold really depends. So I'm getting a lot of Kawan vitamin K too is not as it's not as readily found in like the Western. Zinc once a week. But as you said, it seems like what's really critical is getting it to people before they get it. It was like 2:00 in the morning. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. So what is the difference? Yeah. And but, you know, there certain times of the year, depending on where you live and a more northern latitude where that UVB isn't even hitting the atmosphere. But you know that I am taking zinc is also a positive ion. But then when they went down to from ten to the seven, let's say they went down to ten to the five only like 10 percent. So what we did, I went I visited the Sauna Society, and it was in November, it was cold and it's right on a lake. It's really important. So I was going to bed really late at night and I was just always tired. Absolutely. That's going to be coming soon. Enough once a week is enough. But there's so many people that are just the sky is falling. Yeah. And so the way I am is I always like to like, look into everything before I do anything. So what I'm wondering and the reason I'm even like going here has nothing to do with, you know, taking vitamin C or zinc. And I'm like for a little bit it's going to be nighttime soon. No wise. And that's why fire application that comes with the Trager Grill has fifteen hundred plus recipes. They were getting some kind of green light therapy or whatever, you know, so it was a placebo control because the placebo effect is definitely a real particularly with depression. Top Moments. Like I cared about my tolba, I didn't care what was going on. But yeah, but zinc seems really important for immune function, like there's been studies where they have like depleted healthy people of their zinc just transiently and like t cell function like is all messed up. Oh, I can only imagine. So she basically she has gotten some funding and she's she's doing a pilot study with a new device, which is something you can, like, buy off Amazon, where it's like a sauna, like your head's out, but like it's like a tent. I usually use it at home, but sometimes I use it here when I like, right after workouts like if I workout I try to get a workout here before, you know, like before do podcasts and I'll time it so they have an extra hour so I can get in the sauna. But but the vitamin D increase the EU, but only in the hypertensive rats, not in the normal control rats again. They listed the martial arts like fuck off table tennis singles trail running trampolining. Have you ever measured your heart rate during it? I also had a gym I was going to for. So so here's my story. It's somewhere in the range in many studies of 70 plus percent of people that get in contact with this are asymptomatic, but test positive for the disease. That's a lot. Say it again. I'm just like, you know, there's I'm not scared. Because that's really the easiest thing. Then you'd think, why? But I forgot what it was. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. Yeah. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. For this reason, she made a special appearance in 2020 on the Joe Regan podcast to discuss the link between the severity of COVID-19 and low levels of vitamin D. She quoted a meta-analysis appearing in the British Medical Journal regarding 25 different randomized controlled trials. I'm not sure I when the whole thing started, when the lockdown started, I was getting the sauna really hot. I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. Vitamin D is then converted by the body into calcitriol, a steroid hormone. Once a week for eight weeks. So what's indicative of their suffering from this vitamin D deficiency. We were taking the human amyloid beta gene and injecting him in these worms, these nematode worms that only live like 14 or 15 days, and we are making them form amyloid plaques in their muscle. So I thought that was, you know, interesting. It wasn't just something that you could like you're mentioning, but, you know, at the time of getting it also the respiratory illness connection, there have been correlation studies out of Finland showing that people actually, I think the study was men, only men that do use this on a two to three times a week. And if it happens to be a non randomized controlled trial, then, you know, it's just correlation doesn't, you know, doesn't equal causation. It's been known for years. Most most people that aren't eating that many that many servings probably have around 50, which is still considered normal, 50 micro moles or micro molar. So, you know, we call the first I call the ambulance. I've gotten so much better at it. Reverse hyper. So let me tell you my story anyways. All I know is that it looking at the statistics, like if you go on a ventilator, I mean, surely it seems like the outcome is not very it doesn't seem like it's going to be very good right now, but it's hard to say. There's been studies correlating it with seasonal affective disorder and all that. So it does make sense, but I don't. So I didn't want to do that. There was less social justice outrage. What is the one I drink. There are. Showers. So it's thought, oh, well, the same we're seeing the same, you know, pattern where people with Type O are protected from sars-cov-2 possibly. So I don't think I'm. What happens when you take a person from from South Asia, from India, from Africa, and you put them in Sweden or in Minnesota or in the U.K. at a place where UVB radiation doesn't hit most of the year and you don't give them a supplement? Yeah, I just don't know the answer to your question. It's called Like the Truth Barole or something. They're shedding the virus through the sprinkler systems. No, I have. Because he said his body is going to stop working because it's it's going to let the ventilator do the breathing for him and it's going to give up. Why is that? We hear about nurses. And he's like, OK, well, if you find anything, please send it my way. There is a possibility supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the severity of the COVID-19 infection and eliminate the need for hospitalization. Nootropics. And so but it totally fixed itself, thankfully. So what is the benefit of it being that hot, though? All kinds of interesting. That's what you need. And so, you know, like another really interesting kind of thing is like, you know, there's so the sars-cov-2 virus is part of a family of of coronaviruses called the beta coronaviruses. Yeah. You don't want to please them. Is that where you were getting was only it doesn't go into my leg. It's five. It's I just it's uncomfortable. And I definitely like my diet. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. Right. And from that you hang from the waist. No kaat why. And how often would you do this if you could have one study the studies? D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis TN.. What fish oil does Rhonda Patrick take? I like love. She's amazing. So there's a few viruses that this happens with. It's 100 percent right. And so it creates humidity. Right. And and, you know, we need higher quality data. I'm happier. And so this mouthpiece of sleep apnea mouthpiece, it sits in my mouth and the tongue depressor keeps my tongue from sliding back and closing my airway. By one point eight years. I would take if you just had access to it every day, how often would you take intravenous vitamin C? It also correlates. It's cool. Light coming in, and I didn't I wasn't I didn't live in a place that was like I could just go outside and frolic, you know, so. And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. I take vitamin D. I certainly don't know if it's going to prevent covid-19, but I'm not hoping it does. I don't know. All right. Four percent of patients that died from covid-19 were vitamin D ERSEK four percent, only four percent were vitamin D sufficient. Do you have to do this to get the. If I'm if my exercise routines dialed in, I'm not like shelter in place, you know, it's about, you know, mid eighties. The people with low baseline vitamin D levels. So it's really exciting because and they're going to do like a dose response where they're going to see how many the Charles Raisen, Dr. Charles Rosen showed one just one single session could result in an antidepressant effect. And I swear I would I would have endurance just for sure. Do you pour water on your rocks? Like, at first I was. Right. We got this, this and this and this. Right. Learn more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick. That's your base. Or they can just supplement, which I know a lot of vegetarians do. You know, basically it's made in the skin. We don't know that. He's like he's doing like really large surveys where they're they're they're going to be analyzing Cierra from people from like, you know, blood donors and stuff and like following them over the course of several years to see, you know, just basic understand more. And they're having a Trager day. What is happening to people when they are vitamin D? Affecting the aging process. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. After hot yoga. Look at this, athletics, badminton, singles, throwing a baseball, softball, BMX riding, canoeing, singles crabbing. I would love to see that. And that's been shown to people, you know, in clinical studies. I think it has huge potential. No matter what happens, you want to make sure that your loved ones are protected. Now, there's another study that did look at humidity and the effect of humidity on basically like the ability of your epithelial cells in your airway and nozzles and stuff to filter out particles and particulate matter and like viruses and stuff and humidity actually made a big difference.
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