Section 40:48H-5 - Assignment of proceeds to trustee. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. Section 40:55D-23 - Planning board membership. Section 40:41A-145.1 - Election to fill vacancy on board of chosen freeholders; exception. Section 40:3-5 - Commission to supersede all commissions; body corporate; disbursements; investments Section 40:3-6 - Certain officers to act when commission not functioning Section 40:65-12.1 - Definitions relative to snow removal from fire hydrants. Section 40:60-51.2 - Power to waive restrictions. Section 40:48-1.1 - Removal or demolition of hazardous buildings; recovery of costs. Section 40:55D-66.16 - Solar, photovoltaic energy facility, structure, certain, permitted use within every municipality. Section 40:55D-11 - Contents of notice of hearing on application for development or adoption of master plan. Section 40:55D-160 - Sale of development potential associated with development easement. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Statutes > New-jersey > Title-40a > Section-40a-14 40A:14-1 - County fire marshal; appointment; salary . Section 40:55D-68.5 - "Senior citizen" defined. During the probationary period, he or she shall be known as a "probationary officer." Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 40A:14-146.14. Section 40:33-7 - County library commission. Section 40:55D-23.2 - Members of board of adjustment may serve as temporary members of planning board. Section 40:69A-23 - Optional form of government; adoption, no vote for 10 years thereafter to change. Section 40:9B-4 - Counties or municipalities; annual appropriation for private centers. Section 40:54A-8 - Compliance of charges with terms of lease or other agreement; adjustment of rates; basis, Section 40:54A-9 - Acquisition of realty; manner; eminent domain, Section 40:54A-10 - Competition with public utility prohibited, Section 40:54A-11 - Annual report of authority; rights and powers of municipality; appropriations; use of funds; budget; record of accounts, Section 40:54C-1 - Tourist development commission; creation by ordinance; members; term of office; vacancies; service without compensation, Section 40:54C-2 - Organization, regulation of commission, Section 40:54C-3 - Disbursement authority, Section 40:54C-4 - Records; reports; disbursements not in accordance with purpose of act, Section 40:54C-5 - Joint action with other commission, Section 40:54C-6 - Advertisements exempt from public bidding, Section 40:54C-7 - Authority of commission, Section 40:54D-2 - Findings, determinations relative to tourism improvement and development. Section 40:45-20 - Continuation of provisions for run-off elections, Section 40:45-21 - Run-off elections; adoption or abandonment of provisions; submission by ordinance or petition to voters; vote necessary. Police Training ACT. Section 40:56-1.4 - Clean energy special assessment, financing by municipality. Section 40:48-2.61 - Requirements for placement, use of clothing bin for solicitation purposes. Section 40:56-62 - Assessments and awards certified to Superior Court; confirmation of report. Section 40:56-13.2 - Amounts of money to be expended for improvements established. Section 40:48-2.62 - Receipt, investigation of complaints relative to donation clothing bin. You can explore additional available newsletters here. Emergency assistance for fire and police protection from other municipality; payment; rights in event of casualty or death . Section 40:62-13.1 - Rates, schedules established by municipal utility providing electricity. Section 40:66A-10 - Revenue bonds authorized, purpose, issuing details. ; census: means the latest Federal census effective within this State.See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2; local unit: means a county or municipality.See New Jersey Statutes 40A:1-1; person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock . Section 40:50-16 - Host community benefit agreements. Municipalities and Counties New Jersey Statutes Title 40. Section 40:48-4.11 - "Senior citizen," "citizen with a disability" defined. Section 40:66A-27 - Municipalities' powers respecting garbage disposal limited after creation of incinerator, environmental services authority; use of services. Section 40:48-4.10 - Findings, declarations. Section 40:48-2.12b - Additional authority, Section 40:48-2.12c - Registration of owners of buildings and structures occupied by two or more families, Section 40:48-2.12e - Collection of fines and penalties, Section 40:48-2.12f - Abatement of nuisance, correction of defect, etc., by municipality; lien against premises, Section 40:48-2.12g - Appointment of custodian by municipality; powers and duties; compensation, Section 40:48-2.12m - Residential rental property; certificate of inspection or occupancy prior to new occupancy; authorization for ordinance. Section 40:23-8.8 - Appropriations annually for children's homes, etc. Section 40:37A-50 - Powers vested in members, quorum; minutes, approval. Section 40:54-29.17 - Raising of sum needed, quarterly payments. Section 40:23-8.13 - County firemen's association; contribution, Section 40:23-8.14 - Nonprofit child care centers or committees or councils coordinating child care; annual appropriation of funds by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.15 - Contract as basis for appropriation, Section 40:23-8.16 - County facilities leased by nonprofit or charitable association; reimbursement of costs of renovation, Section 40:23-8.17 - Private nonprofit camps for emotionally maladjusted or physically undernourished children; authorization for appropriations, Section 40:23-8.18 - Community action programs defined, Section 40:23-8.19 - Appropriation and distribution by county or municipality to agency or organization maintaining community action programs, Section 40:23-8.20 - Continuance after expiration of authorizing legislation, Section 40:23-8.21 - Cooley's anemia; promotion of public awareness, referral service for testing and expenses incidental to diagnosis and treatment; appropriations, Section 40:23-8.22 - National burn victim foundation; contributions by counties or municipalities, Section 40:23-8.23 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.24 - Burn prevention and treatment, private, nonprofit organizations; contributions, Section 40:23-8.25 - Center for performing and visual arts; appropriation of funds, Section 40:23-8.26 - Tay-Sachs disease; county aid, Section 40:23-8.27 - Legislative findings, Section 40:23-8.28 - County aid to health, welfare councils, Section 40:23-8.29 - Appropriations by county authorized, Section 40:23-9 - Depositories for moneys, Section 40:23-11 - Judiciary fund for salaries of court and probate clerks, Section 40:23-14 - Public works jointly constructed and maintained; county and municipal co-operation, Section 40:23-15 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:23-16 - Contents of joint contract; amendments, Section 40:23-17 - Acquisition of property; officers and employees, Section 40:23-18 - Costs and expenses; appropriations; bond issues, Section 40:23-19 - Use of municipal sewer by county, Section 40:23-20 - Resolution by board of freeholders; exceptions, Section 40:23-21 - Contents of resolution; fees fixed, Section 40:23-22 - Inspectors; appointment, compensation and qualifications, Section 40:23-23 - Inspection; certificate by inspector, Section 40:23-24 - Companies to supply current upon certificate; enforcement, Section 40:23-25 - Article inapplicable in certain cases, Section 40:23-26 - Sale of personal property and surplus output of county institutions, Section 40:23-27 - Advertisement for bids where value exceeds $1,000, Section 40:23-27.3 - Sale of unneeded building to municipality for municipal purposes, Section 40:23-28 - Freeholders to furnish crushed stone to municipalities, Section 40:23-29 - Maximum amount to be furnished by county, Section 40:23-30 - Stone furnished on request, Section 40:23-31 - Reapportionment of unclaimed stone, Section 40:23-32 - Purposes for which stone may be used, Section 40:23-33 - Selling or otherwise disposing of stone a misdemeanor; exception, Section 40:23-47 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:23-49 - 9-1-1 locatable mailing address system, Section 40:23-50 - Guidelines for implementation of act, Section 40:23-51 - Completion of review required, Section 40:23-52 - Use of municipal names. Section 40:23-6.53 - Contracts for collection of delinquent fees, fines. Section 40:14B-21.1 - Hydroelectric power; sale at wholesale; authority to charge and collect rents, rates, fees or other charges. Section 40:66A-22 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of garbage disposal system; exemptions. Appointments Section 40:54D-35 - Property exempt from levy, sale. Section 40:15A-5 - Immunity from liability for certain civil damages. Section 40:55D-52 - Final approval of site plan or major subdivision; extension. Section 40:23-7 - Power to raise money by taxation, Section 40:23-8 - Appropriations to Civil War organizations; purposes, Section 40:23-8.1 - Appropriations for observance of Memorial Day, Section 40:23-8.2a - Junior college; appropriations in counties over 300,000, Section 40:23-8.3 - Protecting roads against erosion by tidewater, Section 40:23-8.4 - Blood and its derivatives; contributions for collection and distribution authorized, Section 40:23-8.5 - Appropriations for blood collection purposes; borrowing money, Section 40:23-8.6 - Appropriations annually for expenses, Section 40:23-8.7 - Appropriations during year when blood collection act is adopted--borrowing money. Section 40:41A-126 - Effective date of administrative code, Section 40:41A-127 - Existing resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:41A-128 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:41A-129 - Employees in the classified service, Section 40:41A-129.1 - Counties of first class; appointment of aides; unclassified service, Section 40:41A-130 - County administration of civil service, Section 40:41A-131 - Procedures for establishment of county department of civil service, Section 40:41A-133 - Preparation and submission of budget; budgetary process, Section 40:41A-134 - Scope of budget and message, Section 40:41A-138 - Appropriation requests; allotments, Section 40:41A-142 - Person charged; newspapers; qualifications. Section 40:69A-206 - Charters, amendments and supplements superseded; existing ordinances and resolutions remain in force where not inconsistent, Section 40:69A-207 - Offices abolished on effective date of plan; administrative code, Section 40:69A-207.1 - Local industrial commissions; continuance or reestablishment, Section 40:69A-208 - Appointments between election and time of taking office under optional plan; pending actions and proceedings, Section 40:69A-208.1 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with mayor-council plan, Section 40:69A-208.2 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with council-manager plan, Section 40:69A-208.3 - Continuance of charter adopted prior to Jan. 9, 1982 of municipality with small municipality plan, Section 40:70-3 - Municipalities governed hereby, Section 40:71-2 - Clerk to call election; notice, Section 40:71-3 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:71-4 - Conduct of election; results certified to clerk, Section 40:71-5 - Clerk to certify results; contents of certificate, Section 40:71-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:71-7 - If majority against adoption no petition for certain period, Section 40:71-8 - Corporate existence and name continued, Section 40:71-9 - Elective and appointive officers' terms cease; boards abolished; exception, Section 40:71-9.1 - Boards of fire commissioners in townships, Section 40:71-10 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable; laws relating to municipal courts unaffected, Section 40:71-11 - Educational system unaffected, Section 40:72-1.1 - Municipality with board of three commissioners; additional commissioners; petition, ordinance and referendum, Section 40:72-1.2 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:72-1.3 - Vote required for adoption; amendment and repeal, Section 40:72-2 - All powers vested in board of commissioners, Section 40:72-3 - General powers; power to pass ordinances for specific purposes, Section 40:72-4 - Department; distribution of powers, Section 40:72-5 - Jurisdiction of commission over departments and officers thereof, Section 40:72-6 - Commissioners assigned to departments, Section 40:72-6.1 - Assignment of departmental powers and duties in counties of first and second class, Section 40:72-7 - Subordinate boards and officers; appointment and removal, Section 40:72-9 - Appointment of deputy by director in second class cities and certain fourth class cities, Section 40:72-10 - Mayor; selection; no veto power, Section 40:72-12 - Director of finance; when to act as mayor, Section 40:72-13 - Regular and special meetings; open to public; minutes, Section 40:72-14 - Quorum; voting; vote recorded in minutes, Section 40:72-16 - Board first elected may revise and add to appropriations, Section 40:72-18 - Use of fees received from water rents, Section 40:72-19 - Power to construct convention halls in cities, Section 40:73-1 - Qualifications sole test for election, appointment, Section 40:73-2 - No officer or employee to be interested in contracts, Section 40:73-3 - No officer or employee to receive free service; exceptions, Section 40:73-4 - Certain acts forbidden; penalties, Section 40:73-5 - Appointments in second-class cities in certain years; restriction, Section 40:73-6 - Salaries of officers and employees; exceptions, Section 40:73-8 - Application of laws relating to municipal boards of recreation commissioners, Section 40:73-9 - Borough under 5000; tax collector or treasurer; waiver of residency requirements, Section 40:74-1 - Certain ordinances and resolutions filed upon passage; ordinance required in certain cases, Section 40:74-2 - Enacting clause; suits for penalties, Section 40:74-3 - Record of ordinances; commissioners to sign record, Section 40:74-4 - Effective date of ordinances; emergency ordinances excepted, Section 40:74-5 - Remonstrance against ordinance; petition; reconsideration; referendum; vote required for adoption, Section 40:74-6 - Petition; law applicable, Section 40:74-7 - Board may submit ordinances of own volition; several questions submitted, Section 40:74-8 - When submission unnecessary, Section 40:74-9 - Ordinances proposed by petition; procedure, Section 40:74-11 - Petition; signatures; verification, Section 40:74-12 - Clerk to examine petition; notice of insufficiency; amendment and refiling, Section 40:74-13 - Clerk to examine amended petition; new petition; submission to board, Section 40:74-14 - Duty of board on submission of ordinance; submission to voters; withdrawal of petition, Section 40:74-15 - Several ordinances submitted together; number of elections limited, Section 40:74-16 - Notice of election when ordinance or proposition submitted to voters, Section 40:74-17 - Ballot; form and content. Section 40:66A-2 - Public interest and policy declared. Section 40:45-8 - Petitions of nomination. Section 40:62-151 - Annual standby or ready-to-serve charge upon unoccupied lots. Section 40:55D-53a - Standardized form for performance guarantee, maintenance guarantee, letter of credit, Section 40:55D-53b - Acceptance of standardized form. Section 40:55D-68.4 - Certain senior citizens permitted to rent, lease rooms. Section 40:54D-4 - Tourism improvement and development districts, Section 40:54D-5 - Exemptions from taxation, Section 40:54D-6 - Collection, administration of tax, assessment; determination, certification of revenues, Section 40:54D-8 - Applicability of tax imposed. SPARTA, NJ The Sparta Township Police Department recently celebrated the promotion of four of its officers, Capt. Section 40:48F-1 - Tax authorized, certain. Section 40:9D-5 - Authority to issue revenue bonds. Section 40:55D-8.3 - Definitions relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. 2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40A - Municipalities and Counties Section 40A:14-54 - Firemen in the performance of their duties to have powers of police officers. Burlington, formerly known as Burlington Coat Factory, is an American national off-price department store retailer, and a division of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation with 631 stores . They have several exams based upon the rank you are testing for. Section 40:68A-43.1 - Provisions relative to municipal port authorities. Section 40:20-35.11b - Selection of interim successor, Section 40:20-35.11c - Nomination of candidate from floor, Section 40:20-35.12 - Vacancy in offices of all or majority of members, Section 40:20-35.13 - Appointees; qualifications, Section 40:20-71 - Director; selection; substitute, Section 40:20-71.1 - Designation of another freeholder, Section 40:20-71.2 - Appointments by county executive. Section 40:54-8.2 - Preparation of ballots. Section 40:66A-19 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to incinerator, environmental services authority; permit. Yes, most New Jersey police departments promote from within, and have always done so. Section 40:48C-1.7 - Imposition of mass transit access parking tax. Section 40:55D-146 - Provisions of development transfer ordinance. Section 40:45-15 - Ballots; printing and authentication; contents; delivery. Section 40:84-11 - Elections; when held; term of office. Section 40:55D-12.3 - Application of subsection h. Section 40:55D-12.4 - Notice to military facility commander from municipality. Section 40:54-8.1 - Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation. TITLE SCOPE: A defined group of job titles used as a factor in determining eligibility for promotional examinations, and may also include educational, experience, and other specific requirements. Section 40:37A-55 - Body politic and corporate; powers and duties. Section 40:43-66.50 - Duties and function; report of findings and recommendations, Section 40:43-66.51 - Meetings and hearings; application of Open Public Meetings Act; subpenas, Section 40:43-66.52 - Compensation of members; reimbursement of expenses, Section 40:43-66.53 - Budget; apportionment among municipalities; acceptance of aid; facilities and employees; audit. Section 40:48-2.12p - Ordinance holding landlords to standards of responsibility. Section 40:62-135.1 - Residency requirements for employees of commission operating certain water system. NJSA 40:37-95.23 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.24 Adoption by majority vote; commissioners appointed within 90 days NJSA 40:37-95.28 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.29 Ballots NJSA 40:37-95.30 Adopted law immediately operative NJSA 40:37-95.33 Submission of adoption of act to voters NJSA 40:37-95.34 Ballots Section 40:62-107.7 - Customers of municipal water district, electronic billing, payment permitted. Section 40:66-1.2 - Definitions relative to solid waste collection services for multifamily dwellings. Section 40:11A-22.2 - Qualification for appointment as parking enforcement officer. New Jersey may have more current or accurate information. Section 40:48-2.17 - Expenditures; duly sworn claim required, Section 40:48-2.26 - Brush and hedges near roadways and intersections, cutting of, Section 40:48-2.27 - Cost of cutting brush and hedges; charging against lands; lien, Section 40:48-2.28 - Fire prevention ordinances authorized, Section 40:48-2.29 - Designation of enforcement officials; right of entry for inspection purposes; educational program relating to space heaters. Section 40:48F-5 - Collection, administration of tax. Section 40:66A-15 - Default in payment of bonds; trustee; appointment; powers; receiver. Section 40:62A-2 - Establishment and maintenance of commissary; cost; profits, Section 40:63-31.1 - Sale or lease of municipal facilities to privately-owned utility; conditions, Section 40:63-31.2 - Construction of incidental facilities for sale or lease to privately-owned utility; assessment of cost, Section 40:63-31.3 - Refund or credit to property owners, Section 40:63-40 - Purchase of lateral sewers by municipality; contracts validated; bonds, Section 40:63-68 - Contracts with other municipalities generally, Section 40:63-69 - Definitions; "joint meeting" ; "improvement or works", Section 40:63-70 - Construction of improvements or works; sewers connecting therewith, Section 40:63-71 - Surveys and maps; municipalities may enter on land to inspect, Section 40:63-72 - Surveys and maps filed with municipal clerks; costs estimated, Section 40:63-73 - Surveys and maps; consideration of by each municipality, Section 40:63-74 - Rejection by municipality; notice to interested municipalities, Section 40:63-75 - Approval by municipality; resolution; notice to interested municipalities, Section 40:63-76 - Notice of intention to make, Section 40:63-77 - Contents of notice; objections to ordinance filed; procedure, Section 40:63-78 - When failure of notice not to invalidate proceedings, Section 40:63-79 - Joint contract; ordinances authorizing, Section 40:63-80 - Contents of ordinance; capacity, use, cost and expense apportioned, Section 40:63-81 - Joint contract; execution; recording, Section 40:63-82 - Proceedings after joint contract to be by resolution, Section 40:63-83 - Joint contract; modification; supplemental contract for future management, Section 40:63-84 - Separate municipal action relative to joint system; local connecting sewers, Section 40:63-85 - Joint meeting; organization; officers; vacancies; duration of power, Section 40:63-86 - Officers; oaths and bonds, Section 40:63-87 - Voting by municipalities, quorum; specific concurrence required, Section 40:63-88 - Exclusive powers except in money matters; actions by joint committee; benefits to accrue to all, Section 40:63-89 - Joint meeting; rooms and buildings, Section 40:63-90 - Reorganization when work completed; maintenance and operation, Section 40:63-91 - Acquisition of land; purchase, Section 40:63-92 - Condemnation of lands; procedure, Section 40:63-93 - Condemnation; right of entry upon appointment of commissioners, Section 40:63-94 - Contracts for improvements or works, Section 40:63-96 - Repair, rebuilding and operation; cost; provisions in contract for, Section 40:63-97 - Increase in capacity before or during construction, Section 40:63-98 - Sewers; disposal plants enlarged; approval of department of health; contract for; cost, Section 40:63-99 - Construction in other municipalities; sewers to tidewater, Section 40:63-100 - Discharge in tidewater; consent of department of health, Section 40:63-101 - Use of streets in other municipalities, Section 40:63-102 - Agreement as to terms; procedure where parties cannot agree, Section 40:63-103 - Change of grade of streets in other municipalities; regulation of work; restoration of pavements, Section 40:63-104 - Location of disposal plants in other municipalities; application, Section 40:63-105 - Rejection of application; appeal, Section 40:63-106 - Remedy of dissenting citizens if application granted, Section 40:63-106.1 - Contracts with Passaic valley sewerage commissioners for sewage disposal, Section 40:63-107 - Use of improvements or works by other municipalities; contracts; terms, Section 40:63-109 - Supplemental contract to secure additional accommodations, Section 40:63-110 - Payment for use of joint systems; bonds, Section 40:63-111 - Participating municipalities may be admitted to membership in joint meeting, Section 40:63-112 - Joint meeting to designate portion of system each may use, Section 40:63-113 - Disposal of sewage for others; contracts, Section 40:63-114 - Financial records; monthly statements to participating municipalities, Section 40:63-115 - Cost and expenses of improvements or works apportioned, Section 40:63-116 - Annual expenses; estimated and apportioned; additional payments if necessary, Section 40:63-117 - Assessment for benefits; commissioners; appointment and powers; vacancies, Section 40:63-118 - Assessment for benefits; limitation on extent, Section 40:63-119 - Commissioners; oath and duties; assessment proportionate to benefits; excess apportioned between municipalities, Section 40:63-120 - Assessments for connecting sewers; abutting property, Section 40:63-121 - Assessments on property not directly affected, Section 40:63-122 - Report of commissioners; hearing; report final when confirmed by court, Section 40:63-123 - Compensation of commissioners; costs of proceedings, Section 40:63-124 - Maps and proceedings valid despite misrecitals or other mistakes, Section 40:63-125 - Assessment for benefits; in each municipality; provision for in joint contract; procedure, Section 40:63-126 - Assessments to be a lien; collection, Section 40:63-127 - Assessments for benefits need not be made; municipality to pay whole amount, Section 40:63-128 - Bonds where no assessment for benefits, Section 40:63-129 - Injuries to adjacent land owners from joint sewage disposal plant; action for damages, Section 40:63-130 - Temporary obligations to finance work; renewal, Section 40:63-131 - Renewal of temporary obligations; assessments paid in; disposition; bonds for amount unpaid, Section 40:63-132 - Bonds and temporary obligations; general provisions; amount limited, Section 40:63-133 - Excess of cost over assessments for benefits; bonds; proceeds, Section 40:63-134 - Bonds for construction and maintenance, Section 40:63-135 - Bonds; general provisions, Section 40:63-136 - Bonds and other obligations; payment of principal and interest, Section 40:63-137 - Provisions for payment in lieu of bond issue, Section 40:63-138 - Actions brought by joint meeting; benefits to accrue to all municipalities, Section 40:64-1 - Shade tree commission; members; appointment, Section 40:64-2 - Commissioners' term lengths; alternates, Section 40:64-3 - Organization; salaries of officers and employees, Section 40:64-6 - Performance of duties of shade tree commission by park commission, Section 40:64-7 - Existing commissioners continued; duties and powers; funds, contracts and employees, Section 40:64-8 - Cost of trees and improvements; charge and lien on property; exceptions, Section 40:64-9 - Planting and removal of trees; notice and hearing; emergencies, Section 40:64-10 - Public improvements affecting trees; consent of commission; county park commissions unaffected, Section 40:64-11 - Annual appropriation; estimate; amount, Section 40:64-12 - Penalty; jurisdiction of courts; copy of ordinance as evidence, Section 40:64-13 - Disposition of penalties, Section 40:64-14 - No liability for death or injury, Section 40:65-1 - Ordinances for cost; conformance to grade; exception, Section 40:65-2 - Notice of improvement; contents, Section 40:65-4 - Publication of notice where service impossible, Section 40:65-6 - Notice of improvement unnecessary where notice of ordinance given, Section 40:65-7 - Municipality to make improvement on neglect of owner; contracts, Section 40:65-8 - Costs; record filed; apportionment and assessment; notice to owners, Section 40:65-9 - Assessments a lien; collection and enforcement; installments; errors immaterial, Section 40:65-9.1 - Repair or reconstruction of sidewalks at public expense, Section 40:65-9.3 - Appropriations and procedure, Section 40:65-9.4 - Repair or reconstruction of curbs at public expense, Section 40:65-9.6 - Appropriations and procedure, Section 40:65-11 - Municipality may make annual contract for sidewalks, Section 40:65-12 - Removal of grass, weeds, snow and ice; procedure upon failure.
Bombas Sustainability Report, City Of Olean Garbage Pickup, Articles N