. Last election, Pennsylvania was a red state. [37][38] Nearly half of U.S. voters resided in counties that voted for George W. Bush or John Kerry by 20 percentage points or more in 2004. Out of. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In fact, he said, some states may experience a "red shift," and even Pennsylvania's blue shift may change in the future as different voters adapt to the new absentee ballot system and counties that used to process them on election night stop doing so. Starting with the 2000 United States presidential election, the terms "red state" and "blue state" have referred to U.S. states whose voters vote predominantly for one party the Republican Party in red states and the Democratic Party in blue states in presidential and other statewide elections. The Midwest has five states in the East North Central part of the region and seven in the West North Central. But two of those five losing states that voted for Trump Michigan and Pennsylvania surprised most analysts since they have been blue-leaners for several years. '"[20], There are several problems in creating and interpreting election maps. The colors red and blue are also featured on the United States flag. Updates about tonight's races in Pennsylvania. Non-English-speaking residents faced language access issues at a few polling locations. A third possibility is that blue states tend to have higher urban density, which in theory could make spreading of the virus easier. Geographic borders associated with district numbers may have changed. The 2004 election showed two of these three states to be true to the presidential preferences of their respective regions, creating a greater regional separation; thus, an argument that the country was more divided from the 2000 election. [1] NBC newsman David Brinkley famously referred to the 1980 election map outcome showing Republican Ronald Reagan's 44-state landslide in blue as resembling a "suburban swimming pool".[14]. Most issues involving misunderstandings or miscommunication about voting rules and laws were resolved by Election Task Force prosecutors by phone, and DAO prosecutors and detectives also responded to investigate incidents at polling sites in all six Philadelphia Police divisions. The Pennsylvania Senate, on the other hand, has been under consistent Republican control for decades. Success! [47][48][49] A different poll that same year grouped the United States into five geographic regions, and found that 37% of Americans favored secession of their own region. Would Pennsylvania make a better early primary state. 2020 Electoral Map Results. The Blue States and the Red States are referred to as states of the U.S. whose voters predominantly choose either the Democratic Party (Blue) or Republican Party (Red) for Presidential and Senatorial Candidates. The only deviations from the preexisting red-blue paradigm were all in Obama's favor. Which means he's a Nebraska-02 (where he's currently leading) away from hitting 270 on the number, WITHOUT Pennsylvania and Maine's 2ndDistrict. [18], Thus, red and blue became fixed in the media and in many people's minds, despite the fact that the Democratic and Republican parties had not officially chosen colors. Massachusetts is a blue state with a red governor making red states look worse on mortality. The Red-Blue terminology was popularized in 2000. Archie Tse, The New York Times graphics editor who made the choice when the Times published its first color presidential election map in 2000, provided a nonpolitical rationale for retaining the redRepublican link, explaining that "Both 'Republican' and 'red' start with the letter 'R. The Hill . Mail ballot processing starts on Election Day. On election night that year, there was no coordinated effort to code Democratic states blue and Republican states red; the association gradually emerged. Stay tuned on Nov. 3 for live analysis from our reporters. The lack of clear classes make these purple maps prone to the problems of color perception described above. Special elections, if any, are excluded. Again competitive in 2020, Joe Biden won by 1.2%.While still an important prize, with 19 electoral votes, Pennsylvania, like many industrial northern states, has seen population migrate away in recent decades. Biden won by larger margins than Clinton in every county that voted for her except for Philadelphia, where he won by about 4,000 fewer votes than Democrats had in 2016. 30,000+ mail ballots a teeny tiny fraction of the 2.5 million received as of this morning in the state were just reported in Pennsylvania. Joe Biden won back Pennsylvania for Democrats in the 2020 election after President Donald Trump carried the state in 2016. Democrats, including Biden's campaign, spent a ton of money educating voters about this rule to prevent that. States losing seats included Illinois, Michigan,. In the 2008 elections, both parties received at least 40% from all sizable socioeconomic demographics, except that McCain (Republican) received 37% from voters earning $15,000$30,000, and 25% from voters earning under $15,000, according to exit polling. Secondly, I'm looking to see if we get a sense tonight of how many "naked ballots" there are in the state. The vast majority of reported incidents involved concerns about unlawful electioneering or interference at polling sites. Clinton:36,322 (35.80%). Same caution about borders applies. Below, we've broken out how 16 battleground states voted since 2000 and what the ever-changing Electoral College map could mean going forward. The following list is tabled from the last Presidential Election 2020. [39] In 2008, 48 percent of U.S. voters lived in such counties, which increased further to 50 percent in 2012 and to 61 percent in 2016. In recent years the state government has moved from purple with a democratic governor and a republican legislature with a modest majority, to fire engine red. In 1908, The New York Times printed a special color map, using blue for Democrats and yellow for Republicans, to detail Theodore Roosevelt's 1904 electoral victory. Top sources of out-of-state housing demand viewing. 2023 Electoral Ventures LLC. The use of the term Blue or Red has been expanded to differentiate between states being perceived as Liberal and those perceived as Conservative. If you're curious how long the streak is for each state, visit our 'Same Since' Electoral Map Timeline. Here's why Pennsylvania is a Red State to the core. And this basic arithmetic is in place even before voters factor in the disgraceful fact that VP candidate Kamala Harris is a self-admitted BLM-backed Marxist. Red States 1 Arizona 1 Alabama 2 California 2 You might have heard of this: In Pennsylvania, if you don't submit your mail ballot with the proper envelope, it's called a naked ballot and it will get tossed out. Not one! Political polarization in the United States, popular vote majority by a double-digit margin, did not receive a plurality of the vote and lost the popular vote, Political ideologies in the United States, "When red meant Democratic and blue was Republican. But What about Investing in Bonds? Biden won Maricopa with just over 50% of the vote, a large increase compared with Clinton's 45% in 2016. But also, the early voter turnout we're seeing has been - seems to have been a factor. by The Hill staff - 10/24/14 6:00 AM ET. By opting into newsletters you are agreeing to our. Popular vote data are necessarily aggregated at several levels, such as counties and states, which are then colored to show election results. There was one historical use, associated with boss rule, of blue for Democrats and red for Republicans: during the late 19th century and early 20th century, Texas county election boards used color-coding to help Spanish-speaking and illiterate voters identify the parties;[8] however, this system was not applied consistently in Texas and was not replicated in any other state. Similarly, at least one network would have used yellow to indicate a state won by Ross Perot in 1992 and 1996, though neither of them did claim any states in any of these years. If Jimmy Carter, the Democratic candidate that year, won a state, it was lit in red whereas if Gerald Ford, the incumbent Republican president, won a state, it was lit in blue. It is not a blue state or a red state. The reliably blue state in a presidential election was one of many flipped by President Donald Trump in his 2016 win. Some precincts reported mechanical problems or ran out of supplies. With 100% of precincts reporting, Trump won the state with . Both campaigns have armies of attorneys at the ready for PA and other states. The most significant difference between blue and red states occurred from late June to early August. While the presidential election in Texas was said to be more competitive this year . Before you read the Blue States and the Red States list, lets find out how the naming of a state with color started! ABC used yellow for Republicans and blue for Democrats in 1976, then red for Republicans and blue for Democrats in 1980, 1984, and 1988. Anita Trump aides were claiming high turnout in Republican areas in Luzerne, which is one of the three counties that flipped from supporting Obama to Trump in 2016. It is not a red state. The steady expansion of Denver and its suburbs turned a red state into a purple state, then into a blue state where Republicans struggle to win. Data: The Princeton Gerrymandering Project through 2018; 270toWin research. But in 2016, although Hillary Clinton won Latino voters by roughly 30 points, turnout was remarkably . Will Pennsylvania be red or blue in 2020? List Of Blue States And Red States No. States that voted against Mr. Trump in 2016 have seen 103,918 deaths, according to the latest New York Times tally on Thursday afternoon, compared with 91,525 in states that supported him. That election saw Donald Trump win the state by 0.7%, one of three 'blue wall' states (Michigan & Wisconsin the others) he won on his way to winning the presidential election. (This list is made as per the party winner of the Presidential election in each state [Not Governor], Here the Red represents Donald Trump whereas the Blue represents Joe Biden). FiveThirtyEight's forecast currently expects these states to step slightly to the left in 2020, but there's a lot of uncertainty here, especially in a state like Maine where the error bars. Which parts of Pennsylvania are red and blue -- or something in between? It is now seen that the Democratic Blue and Republican Red color scheme is now part of the lexicon of American journalism. Trump:70,760 (61.01%) Hi everyone from D.C.! Holly Ready to hear what you have to say on Pennsylvania! In 1980, when John Anderson had a relatively well publicized campaign as an independent candidate, at least one network indicated provisionally that they would use yellow if he were to win a state. The next batch will be reported at 9 a.m. (I am deleting my post earlier that said Philly officials said they were not reporting more mail-in results tonight, because it appears to have been based on incomplete information. More married men voted for McCain, but more single men voted for Obama. Are You with Someone Whos Been Cookin for Decades? Sen. Bob Casey and local Democratic Party leaders also said there was massive turnout in the Philadelphia suburbs, which would be a win for Biden. Pennsylvania is generally considered a battleground state, although it voted Democratic in the six elections prior to 2016. Gov. Despite the prevalent winner-take-all practice, the minority always gets a sizable vote. [11] As late as the 1990s, Democrats were often represented by red and Republicans by blue. Minnesota, New York, and Maryland, all of which Obama won state-wide, show this example with some exceptions. Same Since 2000: After 2020 Election Thats a point that they made. Biden:43,949 (37.89%), 2016: Red states vs. blue states. The "blue wall" went blue once again Democratic. And Biden did cut his losses comparedto Clinton. [57], The scheme has found acceptance and implementation from the U.S. federal government as the Federal Election Commission report for the 2004 presidential election uses the red-Republican and blue-Democratic scheme for its electoral map. Partly as a result of this eventual and near-universal color-coding, the terms "red states" and "blue states" entered popular use in the weeks after the 2000 presidential election. Independent candidate Ralph Nader did not win any electoral votes, yet he received 2% of the vote of voters from high-income households and voters with graduate degrees. Several incidents will require follow-up byinvestigators. Each tend to show some patterns well while obscuring others. In previous elections, the color assignments or even the actual colors used were often different. - Matter of Fact with Soledad O'Brien Perhaps no one is better at understanding Pennsylvania voters than former Governor Ed Rendell. But I've got news for them, too. Similarly, Tennessee was won by Bush in both 2000 and 2004, but going into 2004, its governor was a Democrat and both chambers of the state legislature were controlled by Democrats as well. Which ones are more politically competitive? That's why it was interesting to see Trump rehash his line on fracking in Bucks County during a rally on Saturday. In 2008, Obama won in Iowa and New Hampshire by more than nine percentage points, and New Mexico by double digits. Per Holly's point, keep in mind Montgomery County is a giant, the third most populous county in the state. It further claims that from 1976 to 2004, in an attempt to avoid favoritism in color-coding, the broadcast networks standardized the convention of alternating every four years between blue and red the color used for the incumbent president's party.