Bu this time, they were without Cass and Jack and all of the others who had helped along the way. Death tells Sam his reasons for wanting him dead, including Sam escaping him earlier. As he prepares to burn what they can't take, Dean arrives, killing Roscoe and he and Eldon face off. In season 12's "Mamma Mia," Lady Toni Bevell of the British Men of Letters attempts to question Dean about his relationship with Benny to no avail. With Candy's help, Sam and Dean track down Linda who tearfully reunites with Kevin. Crowley accepts Ramiel's terms and presents him with two gifts: the Lance of Michael, a weapon designed by the archangel Michael to kill Lucifer slowly and the Colt, the legendary gun that had once been used to kill Ramiel's brother Azazel. Atleast the thing takes control here instead of shoving it down that it just makes people crazy killers like the crotoan virus did. In "Funeralia" Rowena begins killing humans along with their reapers before their time, altering fate to get the attention of Death, who she wishes to bring back her son, Crowley. Barthamus threatens Alice's life to force the Winchesters to hand over the trunk, but Alice uses Dean's lighter to burn the bones instead. Dean then emptied several more rounds into his body which crumbled to dust. Before carrying out a brutal revenge against the hunters, Sam, Dean, Max, Alicia and Mary, exorcised Jael from Jody in a sequential attack, with each subsequent hunter picking up the Latin incantation where the previous one left off. In "Exodus", Arthur has become a full-fledged member of the Apocalypse World resistance and joins Charlie on a mission to ambush an angel death squad. In season 2's "Bloodlust," Sam and Dean encounter a nest of vegetarian vampires that feed only on animals and consist of Lenore (portrayed by Amber Benson), Eli (portrayed by Ty Olsson), Conrad, and Christina Flanagan (portrayed by Janeane Carltone). Dean slaughters the nest and gets the blood of his sire which is used in a concoction invented by the Campbell Family to cure him. While other hunters are generally unaware of the cure's existence or how to make it, the Winchesters have shared it with a few others while using it during hunts. Gwen reveals that she was unaware of Samuel's betrayal but is killed by Dean, who is possessed by the Khan worm. Eldon gets a new arm from a boy that had been bullying his little brother Cyrus and takes him and his cousin Roscoe to rob the bunker. The fact that his resurrection breaks one of the 66 seals, however, suggests that it was created before the imprisonment of Lucifer. Crowley became aware of his separation from the Men of Letters and attempted to locate him to get into the Men of Letters bunker, but failed to find him. In "The Spear," Garth, having infiltrated Michael's organization, overhears Dark Kaia's location and passes it onto the Winchesters. When the hotel manager leaves and breaks the salt line, he dissipates the ghost with an iron post, unintentionally gaining the affections of Becky. Loki later double-crossed him and then went after Gabriel years later to exact revenge for what Lucifer did to Odin. Eve dies after biting Dean, who had Phoenix ash in his blood, to which Crowley takes her body for autopsy. Jimmy begs Castiel to use him as a vessel instead of Claire to spare her the life of being an angel's vessel. Becky Rosen, portrayed by Emily Perkins, is a fan of the "Supernatural" series of books. Sam initially does until he receives Charlie's email and decides to continue. In "LOTUS", Rowena helps exorcise Lucifer out of the President of the United States and apparently send him back to the Cage. He travels through different memories. In season 11's "Don't You Forget About Me," Alex Jones is targeted for revenge by a man named Richard Beesome (portrayed by Ben Cotton) who she had lured to Celia's nest. August Brooks on L.A. Heat, X on The X-Files, Russell "Linc" Lincoln in Linc's, and Rufus Turner in Supernatural. Seeing their first successful use in season 11's "Love Hurts," the bullets are used by the Winchesters whenever they come up against a witch, generally ending with the witch or witches being killed through being shot with the bullets. When Dean returns to Lisa after the showdown in Stull Cemetery, in "Swan Song", Ben is seen at the dinner table. Bobby tells Rufus that what was worse than killing her, was knowing that they never got past this argument. Shapeshifters do not appear to be able to sense others of their kind as the Winchesters encountered a shapeshifter in season 13 that could not tell that her ex-boyfriend, another shapeshifter, was impersonating one of her patients. In the next episodes, Dean talks with Frank off-screen. Rufus was a stubborn and retired hunter who refused to get back into the game. In "Family Feud," Sam mentions that Henry had previously used the spell when the Winchesters prepare to use it to return Gavin to his own time. Abaddon had been confronted by Henry and Josie when stealing people's souls at a convent before her slaughter of the Men of Letters. In season 13, Mary is trapped in Apocalypse World while her sons attempt to rescue her. Sam covers up Nick's body with a blanket, but it is apparently otherwise just left in the abandoned cabin. The next morning, Mick receives word from Doctor Hess that they don't have time to convince the American hunters to join them and orders Mick to "assimilate or eliminate" them and sends her lackey Renny Rawlings to keep an eye on him. When Sam refuses to tell her, Toni has Ms. Watt torture him for the information, but he continues to refuse. Even if we find a way to keep the world spinnin', not everyone's gonna be on that bus ride home. 2023 TV Fanatic While he easily dominated the brothers, a witch that the Winchesters helped disabled Chet and allowed them to escape. Lisa Braeden, portrayed by Cindy Sampson, is a woman Dean spent a weekend with around 1999. Claire experiences excruciating agony over a prolonged period of time before appearing to die. 3. After finding Mick's body and finding information on hunters being chased by the British Men of Letters, Mary confronts Arthur who claims he was killed by a werewolf. Ramiel was killed by The Lance of Michael. At the end of the episode, Dean reveals to Sam that the other hunters found Arthur and that he was probably killed by a demon. Magnus reveals that before his expulsion from the Men of Letters in 1956, he was Henry's mentor in the order. Bobby, Sam, and Dean bury Rufus, as cremation is not undertaken in the Jewish tradition, in an unmarked grave in a Jewish cemetery, rather than being given a hunter's funeral pyre. The creature responsible for the deathsthe Khan worminfects Dean and uses him to kill Gwen, and then it infects Samuel. According to shapeshifter David Lassiter, the djinn control the South Side. Sam and Dean return to Truman High in the season 4 episode "After School Special" to hunt a vengeful spirit that's been terrorizing the school grounds by possessing students and making them do hideous things to bullies. Barthamus needs Dean's blood to get into the vault as it only opens to the blood of a man who has been to Hell and back. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. She discovered Azazel there - later revealed to have been feeding Sam his demonic blood - and confronted him, but was pinned to the ceiling by him and slashed across her abdomen, eventually bursting into flames. It takes Kelly a while to recall she is dead before she inquires on Jack's reasons for being present, Kelly soon realizes that he's dead too and breaks down but he comforts her that Castiel did protect him but something happened. In the car, he tells Toni that she must fly back to London, and that Mr. Ketch, whom he's already called, will take it from here. Amelia was married to a man named Don Richardson, who was thought to have been killed while serving in Afghanistan. Using her knowledge of electronics from helping Kevin with his school projects, Linda is able to get them out of the room they are trapped in and is devastated to learn of Kevin's death. However, after the Winchesters left, he was killed by Lilith. However, most angels never actually meet or talk to God. The vampires were trying to lure Len back and when he refuses, Starr kills him. Enjoying the afterlife more than his actual life, and having discovered means to infiltrate other people's Heavens and tap into the angel's communications, Ash helps the brothers hide from Zachariah. With the Men of Letters gone and no longer able to stop them, Samuel has been attempting to stop the Akrida by finding where they cross over into this world and using the box - the only thing that can kill them - to stop them. In a lengthy conversation with Dean, he reveals that this and other actions is the influence of Lucifer's binding spell, which Death wishes to break. They were also used as plot devices, in the season nine episode "Thinman" Ed and Harry face a conflict similar to one Sam and Dean face, creating a parallel between the characters, at the end of that episode we see an end to the Ghostfacers after Ed invents the monster Thinman to keep Harry from leaving for a normal life. He believed the Winchesters were serial killers responsible for the deaths that have occurred in various towns. In season 15's "Destiny's Child," one of the memories Jack experiences as his soul is restored is of talking with Kelly in Heaven. When the Alpha Shapeshifter will not talk, Crowley kills him through decapitation. As the ashes of a phoenix are needed to kill Eve, Castiel sends Sam and Dean back in time to retrieve them. His death is subsequently avenged when Belphegor kills Ardat, but not before she reveals to Castiel that Belphegor truly is the threat she'd claimed to Arthur when she hired him to kill Belphegor. It then passes to one of his co-workers who kills 12 people. The Winchesters reveal that Jack has been able to harness the energy from Lucifer, Michael, and now God by watching their fights. He also tells him what his contacts in Scotland have learned about Fergus MacLeod, aka Crowley. Unable to kill the powerful demon, Dean takes advantage of Henry trapping her to cut the demon up and bury the pieces in order to forever entomb her. Receiving a prayer from Dean that they are ready to resurrect Jack, Castiel offers to trade himself for Jack to the Shadow, pointing out that it could be waiting eons for him otherwise. That's why the passage of time didn't stick out for you." If Josie had in fact been resurrected with the restoration of her body for Abaddon's use, she dies for a second time along with the Knight of Hell. However, she feels safe on Earth as the Shadow can't come unless it is directly summoned. After learning why Sam and Dean are there, she agrees to help them investigate the deaths and other mysterious injuries that have happened. He informs Dean of the final battlefield between Michael and Lucifer, despite the angels wishing him not to know. Chuck Shurley, also known by the pseudonym Carver Edlund and portrayed by Rob Benedict, is an author of a marginalized book series Supernatural, which recounts everything the Winchester brothers have experienced during the show's run. It is revealed in "Home" that Mary has been acting as a guardian spirit of the Winchesters' old home in Lawrence, Kansas. Later, in "Brother's Keeper", Dean hunts two vampires solo while under the influence of the Mark of Cain and having separated from Sam. During the funeral, they encountered their mother Mary who had recently been resurrected following her death in 1983. Like the other hunters, Walt has seen no sign of them but promises to keep looking. In the Season 10 episode "Fan Fiction" Chuck is shown to be alive as he reappears at the end of a play based on his books and comments that it was "not bad" when asked his opinion by the play's writer, Marie. Kelly Kline, portrayed by Courtney Ford, is the mother of Jack Kline. Stepping back to the beginning when it was just them was the perfect finale. Missouri Moseley, portrayed by Loretta Devine, is a very talented psychic residing in Lawrence, Kansas. In "All in the Family", God proves who he is by transporting the Winchesters to the bunker and calling upon the spirit of Kevin Tran to confirm his story. After the vault is found, Grab chooses to remain outside, apparently too afraid to go any further. The Winchesters rescue one of the shapeshifter children whom they dub Bobby John and kill his father, but come under attack by the Alpha Shapeshifter, the first shapeshifter and father of the entire species. Rufus' facial hair, like the length of Sam's hair, is a prominent indicator of time passing; starting with a moustache that eventually gets longer and then sporting a goatee, all end up graying, before reverting to a small moustache in Bobby's memory of the past. She is nearly killed when Dick realizes her duplicity, but is saved by Bobby's ghost holding the leviathan offbreaking Charlie's arm in the processwhilst Sam and Dean arrive and rescue her. In retaliation, Rowena kills Guthrie with an angel blade but is interrupted by Crowley before she can get the First Blade from his body. Ennis is saved when Dean kills Maurice and explains to Ennis what he was. The Alpha Vampire, portrayed by Rick Worthy is the first member of the vampire species. Gerald offers to do it for Crowley if Crowley can't bring himself to do it, mentioning how he once killed his own mother. As her operatives prepare to strike against the hunters, their families and any bystanders, an assault team of American hunters led by Sam Winchester attacks the British compound. Josie Sands, portrayed by Alaina Huffman, is a Men of Letters initiate and the primary vessel of the Knight of Hell Abaddon. As cremation is not undertaken in the Jewish tradition, Rufus is buried in a Jewish cemetery rather than given a Hunter's funeral pyre. As they are human, witches can die with the weaker witches being able to be killed through simple mortal injuries though stronger witches tend to be invulnerable to normal methods of harm. Jack immobilizes the werewolves using telekinesis and Sam and Dean kill them with silver bullets without a fight. Mary is forced to explain that she stole the gun from Ramiel. Kelly asks what's bothering, as he explains a strange entity is chasing him. Dark Kaia explains that she had envied her counterpart's world and how peaceful it seemed, but found herself unable to fit in or enjoy it and instead lived in hiding. After catching Kaia's killer, dubbed Dark Kaia, the three learn of her identity as Kaia's alternate counterpart who admits that Kaia's death was an accident as she was aiming for Claire. After observing the new system for feeding developed at Sioux Falls General, he torches Bobby's house and confronts the Winchesters, breaking Dean's leg and knocking Sam unconscious. After a lot of research, Bobby discovers that the creature they were hunting is a Soul Eater. In season 7, Sam's hallucinations of Lucifer take on the form of Nick. While hunters, by their nature, operate 'off-the-grid, there are, nevertheless, hunter communities that meet and interact with each other to exchange information and stories; the Harvelle Roadhouse was one such location until it was burnt down. However, due to his sadistic tendencies, Jael brutally murdered the girl he was possessing before Asa could finish exorcising him. The blast kills Kevin and three resistance fighters, though Jack survives unharmed and shields Mary from the blast's effects. We never saw how Sam got baby Dean, but we know that his son was the second love of his life behind his brother. Kevin, wanting to work in solitude to translate the half of the tablet that Castiel retrieved, later sends Linda elsewhere, explaining to Dean that he can't enjoy the world he is trying to save until it is saved. John got wind of Hydeker's return and sent his sons the coordinates, knowing that Dean considered killing the creature that had targeted his brother unfinished business. Dark Kaia, also portrayed by Yadira Guevara-Prip, is the alternate reality counterpart of Kaia from The Bad Place. Marlon breaks free and transforms Doug into a vampire. In the bunker, he and Rowena express shock at the sight of each other before Arthur moves on. However, he demands Sam's death in return as he fears Sam will try to rescue Dean and will not give up until he succeeds. Later in the season in "Freaks and Geeks," the Winchesters encounter a group of teenage hunters that are chasing vampires that supposedly killed their families. Lily's new powers grant her immunity to Ishim's smiting and she wounds him, but the fight is interrupted by the Winchesters and Castiel. In "Swan Song," after Sam says yes to Lucifer, he abandons Nick's body for Sam's. It is unknown when and how Samhain was actually born, driven to hell, died, the reason why he went to hell at all, and was created. 12: You're All I Need To Get By (1971) Made famous by Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye for Motown, Aretha claims this duet all for herself - to tremendous effect. In "Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell", Castiel learns of Dagon's involvement and warns the Winchesters about her, stating that all he knows of Dagon is rumors of her psychotic savagery. In around 1989, while active in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, Hydeker was hunted by John Winchester. Bobby tries to insist that it still wasn't a Baku, but Rufus interrupts him and tells him that the trap sigil forced their souls out and only imprisoned the Soul Eater. rufus and aretha supernatural. In season 9's "Captives" and "Stairway to Heaven," the ghost of Prophet Kevin Tran and the Reaper Tessa reveal that the closing of Heaven has trapped all of the ghosts who since died in the Veil. Upon waking up, Donna calls Dean and warns him of the threat Nick poses. She does so, which alerts Sam and Dean to a secret package meant for Dick which they then steal; the package is later revealed to hold the secret to defeating the leviathan. Much to the demon's obvious annoyance, Rowena now holds receptions for newly condemned souls arriving in Hell and has forbidden further demon deals from being made, resolved that people will go to Hell only on their own merits. However, Francis Tumblety, also known as Jack the Ripper, learned from demons about Kevin's connection to the Winchesters and the ghosts turn against him. After Jack takes Castiel out of the Empty, the amused Shadow simply comments that it will see him soon. Sam manages to evade the trap and knocks Gordon out. In "Dark Dynasty", Charlie is called in by Sam to work with Rowena on how to translate the Book of the Damned. In "King of the Damned," Abaddon incapacities Crowley with a devil's trap bullet, something that she credits to learning from Henry. Arthur sees Dean as the same as him and the two decide to take down a vampire nest together. Knowing that Dean and Castiel are working to defeat him, Chuck shows Sam visions of the "future" if they win. Sierra attacks Dean when Dean is alone in his motel room, easily breaking free of Dean's attempts to pin him and throwing Dean onto the bed. Sam prevents Dean from killing Samuel, feeling that he may be of some use yet. Later, his neck is snapped by the Alpha Vampire. Jimmy was reunited in Heaven with his wife, Amelia, after her death in "Angel Heart". Late in season seven, the characters find a tablet containing the "Word of God" that reveals a Leviathan can be killed by using "a bone of a righteous mortal washed in the blood of the three fallen." Enraged, Doctor Hess attempts to shoot Sam only to be shot through the head herself by Jody Mills. He describes himself as 'bi-polar with delusional ideation'. God, their former leader, is noted as missing throughout the majority of the show, leaving the angels to protect humanity instead. Oldest rule in hunting, Bobby. Moments later, while Jael was still distracted by Bucky, Mary Winchester finished the exorcism. The life force Hydeker drained returned to his victims and they all recovered. In "Damaged Goods," Nick captures, tortures, and murders demons in search of Abraxas. When Dean calls Kevin to get him to confirm their cover at a military base, Kevin succeeds by hacking into the person he is talking to's computer and blackmailing them. However, Jack restores everyone Chuck killed, meaning that Adam is restored as well. Charlie and Ketch are captured by angels in a trap and about to be tortured for information by the evil alternate universe version of Castiel, but they are rescued by Sam, Dean, Jack and Castiel. The truth is eventually revealed and is a source of conflict between the brothers for a time. While he waits outside the cellar containing the vault, Grab is confronted by Luther himself. Posing as Dean's waitress, one of the djinn, Brigitta, poisons Dean who experiences intense hallucinations, ending with an attack by the long-dead Azazel. Come here. Bobby argued that it must be a ghost. Gabriel was able to slay Loki. [9] An encyclopedia on demons was used for research, with Binsfield's Classification of Demons inspiring "The Magnificent Seven's" storyline of seven demons being the physical embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins.