**For advertisement on the back page of the bulletin, please contact Sheena LeBron at slebron@4lpi.com. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Youth Ministry Upcoming Events & Information. Is your child interested in becoming an altar server? . Bilingual Stations of the Cross is offered every Friday evening during Lent after the 7pm Mass, followed by Adoration. Serving the Johns Hopkins University Catholic Community. Bulletin. March for Life. Esta actitud egosta pone un carcter condicional en nuestro amor que es muy diferente del amor incondicional de Dios. Just as digital GPS helps us navigate a journey towards a destination, Discipleship GPSguides us along our journey of knowing, loving, and serving the Lord. Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 6 PM beginning Friday - February 24th. . Amen. 2-26-23 Bulletin. Men's Welcome Retreat is March 11 & 12Sign-up in the gathering area of church. Even if you are currently signed up, YOU MUST COMPLETE THESE NEW INSTRUCTIONS March 5, 2023 ______________________________ February 5, 2023 If you would like to reach the nearly 30,000 households that subscribe to Rhode Island Catholic, please call 401.272.1010. July 2023. Out of town? Start to the New Scouting Season 2015/2016. //-->. The Bulletin is a weekly newsletter of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church. Home Weekly Bulletins Weekly Bulletins Written by St. Philip | 15 November 2009 If you would like to have the bulletin emailed to you: Go to parishesonline.com, click subscribe, enter your email address. Diocesan Collections Coming Up. All-Day Confessions are scheduled for Saturday - April 1st from 8:30 AM to 3 PM. Bulletin Archive - St. Philip the Apostle Catholic Parish Bulletin Archives Below are links to parish bulletins from the past months. Click here. We do the things that should and must be done, especially Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: One of my goals for sharing my writing is to keep myself accountable. Normally, we go about life in a fairly routine way. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. It was a wonderful three days of food, family, and fun! Get the reading plan and podcast here. Saints Philip and James Catholic Church 2801 N. Charles St. . . For more information go to 40daysforlife.com. As unlikely as it may seem, this saying directly relates to the season of Advent, and to Read More, FIRST SUNDAY of Advent FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Advent is about waiting, waiting for the good things which are to come. 9:00 am & 11:00 am in English 1:00 pm in Spanish 4:00 pm Bilingual. Finance Council. Register. Confessions: Saturdays from 8:30 AM to 9 AM and from 3 PM to 3:45 PM. Al comenzar la Cuaresma, sigamos su instruccin: Empieza por hacer lo necesario; luego haz lo que sea posible; y de repente ests haciendo lo imposible. Esta Cuaresma, comencemos con ese cambio. Keep up-to-date on St. Philip Neri news. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years, or five years? 513.899.3601 | Fax: 513.899.3785 . . Social Concerns Committee. 1573 Elaine Rd Columbus, OH 43227 614-237-1671 Daily Office Hrs 9-1 Masses Monday & Thursday 9 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-20-2021, Revised St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-20-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-13-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-6-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-2-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-2023, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-4-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-16-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-9-2022, St. Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-2 -2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-25-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-18-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-11-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-28-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-21-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-14-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-7-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-31-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-17-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-26-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-19-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-12-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-5-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-29-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-15-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-8-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-1-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-24-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-17-2022, -St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-10-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-3-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-27-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-20-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-13-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-6-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-30-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-23-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-16-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-9-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-2-2022, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-26-2021, 2021 Advent and Christmas service dates and times, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-26-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-19-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-12-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-5-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-29-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-22-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-15-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-8-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-1-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-27-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-13-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-6-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-23-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-16-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-9-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-2-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-25-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-18-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-11-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-4-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-28-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-21-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-14-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-7-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-31-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-24-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-17-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-10-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-3-2021, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-25-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-18-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-11-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-4-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-27-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-20-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-13-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-6-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-30-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-5-2020 (2), St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-28-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-21-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-14-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-7-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-31-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-24-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-17-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-10-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-3-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-29-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-22-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-15-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-8-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-1-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-23-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-16-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-9-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-2-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-26-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-19-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-12-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-5-2020, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-29-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-22-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-15-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-8-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-1-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-25-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-18-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-11-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-4-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-30-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-23-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-16-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-9-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-2-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-26-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-19-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-12-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-5-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-28-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-21-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-14-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-7-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 03-31-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-24-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-17-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-10-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-3-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-27-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-20-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-13-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-6-2019, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-2-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-04-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-07-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-30-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-23-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-16-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-09-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-02-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-26-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-19-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-12-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 8-05-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 7-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-17-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-10-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-03-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-27-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-20-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-13-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-6-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-29-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-22-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-15-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-8-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-1-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-25-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-18-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-11-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-4-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-28-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-21-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-14-18, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-7-2018, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-31-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin12-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 12-3-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 11-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 10-01-7, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-17-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 9-10-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-24-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-18-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 6-4-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-28-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-14-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 5-7-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-30-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-23-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin EASTER 4-16-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-09-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 4-02-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 3-11-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-26-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-19-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-12-1, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 2-5-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-29-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-22-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-15-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-8-17, St Philip and Holy Spirit Bulletin 1-1-17, March 12, 2015 Lenten Morning of Reflection. Join St. Philip families at Audi Field on Saturday, May 13, to watch DC United play Nashville SC. As such, I invite you to walk with us on this journey. Whether you participate onsite, at church or from home, please pray for respect for life during the 40 days. Christ is lifted up through the clouds to take a seat at Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: In todays gospel Jesus continues to speak reassuring words about love. Keep up-to-date on St. Philip Neri news and upcoming events. The Lord is very near and is coming quickly, as the Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Today is the second Sunday of the four Sundays of Advent and only two and a half weeks before Christmas comes, and today we hear the great Advent Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Waiting. Submissions for the church bulletin must be made by Thursday by 12:00 pm, 10 days before the actual date of publication. Saturday: 8am, 9:00 am & 11:00 am in English To read the latest bulletin, check out some of our organizations, donate via our online. For we come from a culture that often asks the question of motivation, What is in it for me? Often if we dont find the compensation is enough, our attitude concludes that the sacrifice is not worth the effort. St. Therese of Lisieux reminds us, Let us love, since that is what our hearts were made for., Once again, sometimes easier said than done, since if you are like me, I can love my neighbors in general, until I start thinking about certain people in my life that this make difficult to accomplish. But today I would like to focus on its stark Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Today's gospel is a series of sayings of Jesus that pull in different directions. Cristo Renueva su Parroquia (CRESP) Spiritual Retreat / Retiro Espiritual. We are said to be servants waiting the return of our master. February 5, 2023 February 12, 2023 February 19, 2023 Una vez ms, a veces es ms fcil decirlo que hacerlo, tal vez usted es como yo, puedo amar a mi prjimo en general, hasta que empiezo a pensar en ciertas personas en mi vida que hacen que esto sea difcil de lograr. All rights reserved. To place a flyer or information within the bulletin of upcoming parish activities or events that will take place within the parish, please e-mail Melissa Langlois at mlanglois@stphilipbenizi.org. Ask for Him to open your mind and heart to His will and renew your commitment to the actions of Giving, Praying and Serving. Bulletin Home History of St. Philip Parish Pastors Associate Pastors Religious Vocations 1931 - New Church Architectural Notes Sacred Heart of Jesus Chapel Historic Bell Tower Our Staff Contact Us Directions to St. Philip Parish Registration Liturgy Mass Times Reconciliation Times Adoration Times Sacraments & Worship Sacraments of Initiation Contact. Since they are in a pdf format, they may take a minute or two to load. Friday 8:30 am; 3:30 & 7:30 pm For more information, contact Riley Moore. In my own family, my younger sister Michele, died at the age of 11 after a long illness Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: As we begin the unofficial end of summer weekend, our thoughts turn to school, homework and hopefully a return to "normal." SECOND SUNDAY of Advent FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, "It's not over until the fat lady sings." As unlikely as it may seem, this saying directly relates to the season of Advent, and to Read More. If you would like to reach the nearly 30,000 households that subscribe to Rhode Island Catholic, please call 401.272.1010. Yet it also sets out for us a journey Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: Im sure that, like me, many of you were glued to the Olympics over the summer. But such a Read More, FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK Dear Parishioners, Jesus throws out this image right at the beginning of todays gospel. Trae amor a tu hogar porque aqu es donde debe comenzar nuestro amor mutuo. All Saints Church has invited our parishioners to participate in their Multi Car Raffle. var addy_text3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70 = 'office' + '@' + 'saintphilip' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70').innerHTML += ''+addy_text3e513d3b947845f12362da26f8671e70+'<\/a>'; addy1ef41276d3a2b9a64a9512a06fdd9f8b = addy1ef41276d3a2b9a64a9512a06fdd9f8b + 'saintphilip' + '.' + 'com'; Sentimos resentimiento cuando no quieren cambiar, o se niegan a cambiar, y lamentablemente este sentimiento se convierte en odio, no hacia su actitud, sino a menudo hacia la persona. As many of you know by now, I am your new pastor. Bobs Homily for Sunday, February 12, 2023, Bulletins of February 5 & February 12, 2023, Blessed Are You Fr. Hard copy booklets will also be available for use during the Stations. We are told to 'offer it up' in Read More, Fifth Sunday of Lent "God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy." This wonderful experience is certainly family friendly and necessary! You are a necessary part of our parish family. Saint Peter was already looking up his record in the Read More, FROM THE PASTORS DESK My Dear Parishioners: Fr. Sin embargo, a veces podemos pensar que la mejor manera de amar a una persona es cambiarla, especialmente por el mal que est haciendo o el dao que est causando. Saint Philip Church622 Putnam Pike ~ Greenville, RI 02828 P:(401) 949-1500 ~ E:This email address is being protected from spambots. Saint Philip Roman Catholic Parish | Bulletins Bulletins Home > Bulletins BULLETIN DEADLINE Please note: Articles to be published in the Sunday Bulletin should be turned in to Maureen at the Parish Office or emailed to maureen@saintphilipchurch.org no later than 12:00 noon on Friday for the following week's bulletin. To access Church Bulletins, click on Bulletin button. Out of town? 944 East U.S. 22 Morrow, Ohio 45152-9690 ph. Bulletins - St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Keep up to date on St Philip Neri news and upcoming events Submissions for the church bulletin must be made by Thursday by 12:00 pm, 10 days before the actual date of publication. Church Choirs. #. Polish (TBD) (Please call the Parish Office) Syro-Malabar 12:30 pm Interested in becoming a member of St. Philip Neri? It was so nice to Read More, THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST The one who feeds on this bread shall live forever FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: The Eucharist is not simply something we receive; it is Read More, THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Father Son Holy Spirit FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK My Dear Parishioners: It was perhaps the most painful appointment I've ever experienced in my priesthood.